Reddit is beyond parody this point

Reddit is beyond parody this point

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Are that insecure that sitting down to pee will somehow destroy your masculinity?

ah yes peeing standing up somehow means you're superior to everyone else in the world
btw faggot, reddit and 4channel are one in the same. You'd know this if you spent more than an hour lurking

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This. I have done this since I was a kid in the 80s. Proper hygiene is not a new and scary concept.

what are you on about?
just sitting down so you dont piss on the floor is somehow bad?

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Peeing sitting down is les hygienic you pussy. It splashes all over your under carriage. Peeing standing up is faster, more efficient, and has no need to use paper products to clean yourself, so less wasteful.

so OP when you gonna type out a paragraph about how washing your asshole is gay?

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I stand when I piss. Only zoomers sit cuz they are domesticated little pussies.

are you a fucking retarded nigger monkey?

how is any of this so hard to grasp or understand as a guy?

The picture you posted says if all.
Anyone justifying this is on the spectrum.

Lmfao I guess I struck a nerve. Idgaf how people pee, and I don’t think peeing standing up makes me manly. I always pee sitting down if I have to shit. But if you aren’t a total retard you can pee standing up and just clean your bathroom once a week like a fucking adult. These reactions are fucking wild though, calling people animals and slobs lmao.

Lotta sitting down pissers in here got mad quick though.

This. I haven't felt the smell of urine in my bathroom in years.

so is that also fr fr on a cap zoomie faggot?

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Can you fucking imagine being that one dudes cousin:

>Um excuse me but your family will no longer be invited to the holidays unless you sit down when you piss.
>yes it is against the rules in our house to stand while you pee

I’d gladly never visit again.

>if you aren’t a total retard you can pee standing up and just clean your bathroom once a week
>once a week
Sorry, didn't realise that you were American.

Jesus Christ, do these apes really piss all over themselves every time they go? How does that happen? Does their urine come out like the wide mist option on a spray bottle instead of a single stream? I mean, seriously, the only time anything close to that ever happens to me is the first piss after sex and even that only lasts for a few seconds before going back to a normal stream.

I love washing my asshole and the assholes of my loved ones

maybe they are having sex more often than you?

These people are a flanderization of a parody of leftists from 30 years ago. It's only a matter of time before they starting bringing their bulls to their weddings and shit. I swear I can smell the estrogen when I look at screenshots of Reddit.

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you came here to post a reddit thread YOU are seething over
and you expect people here to praise your niggered up reddit thread shit? fuck off

Wtf are you doing in your bathroom that you need to clean it every day you euroslob? Once a week is plenty how much idle time do you have on your hands, eurocuck?

of course you know what estrogen smells like you filthy fucking baboon degenerate.

Ever pissed from across the room and hit nothing but water? If nobody else will say it, I will. I have, shoulda won a fuckin medal for it

I suppose they might be taking it up the ass pretty frequently, but I don't think that would affect their post-sex piss.

Why is Any Forums so fucking obsessed with Reddit


I found it funny relax bro it is /b you whine like a neutered animal. not even a dog though because dogs are actually worth caring about.

i sit to pee only because i use a wheelchair and have trouble standing up.
if i wasn't physically disabled i'd stand

Since when do black lights find pee

It represents the contemptible normie Internet in a word. The opposite of the spirit of this place.

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>gets called out
>b-but you need to relax b-bro I didn't mean anything by it

god you baiting reddit thread discord faggots need to be slowly beheaded on stream and in minecraft. kys

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You will never be welcome here.
No matter how long you spend here, you'll never belong.

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Absolute Chad.

I will piss standing in honor of you later today my friend.

Counterpoint, it's good for Reddit faggots to come here. Some might eventually get red pilled and become based like us.

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Fucking pathetic, as is every faggot ITT defending this faggotry. Imagine being such an emasculated beta that you let anyone else tell you how you should piss. Anyone that disagrees with me is giving me permission to tell them who they should fuck and what they should eat. So mind your own business if you don't like it.

Same, gonna piss all over the seat too. Idgaf, wife can clean it.

I have some bad news for you, user...

>taking Any Forums this seriously

You’re the one sperging out gore porn fantasies because people apparently don’t Any Forums seriously enough for your tastes. Fuck off back to whichever Loli thread you came from.

I don’t see what’s wrong with sitting down myself. I do it of a morning when I’m still aching and just need some time to make sense of the world and not piss on the floor

>troons always on the mind
>no YOUR from redshit
yeah I'm thinking backwards logic kikes like you don't get accepted all that much around here huh?

>The opposite of the spirit of this place
That left us many years ago and replaced it with endless spamming of Wojak and Chad memes

I'd imagine their impotent little dicks tends to stick to themselves as a result of the tucking.