Be me 24

>be me 24
>break up with gf of 4 years because i am too focused on building my business
>make tinder to get some attention
>girls literally messaging me with "hey" and "whats up"
>invite me out to bars
>bailed on 3 dates
>i just want to get rich and powerful

Did i unironically become a sigma male?

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I'd say yeah.
Lately, I've been on the same move, just with a little more venom because I'm a petty bastard.

I like to get em into snap, chat chat chat, they drop nudes and then I block. Nice tits? Blocked. Nice ass? Blocked. Perfect pussy? Still Blocked.

Keep on about you my friend; you'll become great just by saving the time that these fuckwads are spending on women and using it on yourself.

I literally don't even care to answer. Maybe exchange a few sentences with a few prettier girls and the ghost them. Such a fucking powerful feeling.

If you feel the need; give my method a shot.

Not only do you crush the feminine "I have a pussy so clearly he wants to chase me to the ends of the earth" but you quite literally devalue, likely, the part of herself that she finds most attractive.

Once I get more time on my hands I may try it out. Sounds fun.

A man that isn't a slave to pussy is a dangerous man. He can achieve whatever he puts his mind to. A man that is a slave to pussy gives everything he can to it so he can get his next fix.

I really hope it's true. Can't wait to tell everyone to fuck off and live my life as a truly free man.

>one guy out of the 200 in her DM stopped talking to her

oh no!

GL. You only fail when you stop trying.

Imagine, for a moment, not only having the entire concept of being sought out by a woman but having the entire concept matter of the thread go so far over your fedora clad head that you need to make a comment like this.

Take a shower.

What is your business?

It's a "tech startup" - that's a cringe word. I've built 5 so far, 1 has been a mild success so I'm trying to scale it further.

Nice, congrats user and your ex girlfriend didn't worth it, better immature to leave you while you are in a very important moment of growing and expanding in your carrer and life

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don't be upset that a girl you typed 3 sentences to isn't upset over you.

the real power move is getting her interested, making plans, and then ghosting her. you're terrible at this.

Thanks man! She really wasn't a bad gf, but our goals in life didn't match. She wanted to do the travel meme + spend time and money on stupid shit. I've been focused on making it since 17. Honestly in the end I didn't want to be with her anyway since she was unhappy and I had to spend time with her but really just wanted to work.

2 real

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You sound like such a pussy. You act like a woman. Say you are focused on your "grind" but made a Tinder for "attention". RETARD. You're a weak human who needs affirmation they have some sort of control over their love life. Face it you left your GF because she wasn't all that and or you are dead inside. It's not because you're gonna be the next Nikola fucking Tesla.

OP is a cunt

Female hands typed this post

you are a sub 8/10 male, and soon to be a broke nigga too