Whose side are you on exactly user?

Whose side are you on exactly user?

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Oh no! Another thread about a complicated issue that gets boiled down.

Let me guess, Russia should invade the US to deal with their neo-nazi problem too right?

Nice one Ivan!

Since the Ruble is further in the dirt than your aids ridden mother, we've decided to default on our currency and pay you in yuan instead!!

I support Ukraine because they are Nazis.

Black hole sun, wont you come?

>be Ukrainian
>join military
>believe in equality for all like most recruits before me for the last ~70 years
>uniforms have swastikas from WW2 occupation
>remove the swastikas because thats all people really care about
>retard right winger and russians virtue signal about iron crosses and “le black sun” because liberals

Black cock son, won’t you cum?

From russian wikipedia
>Являeтcя pacпpocтpaнeнным cимвoлoм и oбepeгoм нa тeppитopии CHГ. Heoязычники чacтo нacтaивaют нa тoм, чтo «Чёpнoe Coлнцe» нe дoлжнo accoцииpoвaтьcя c нaциcтaми, пocкoлькy являeтcя oдним из мнoжecтвa дpyгих cимвoлoв, кoтopыe якoбы «зaпятнaлa» нaциcтcкaя Гepмaния

Same story as with swastika. Cursed at west but can be typed from chinese and japanese keyboard

My side.

Fake Putin event

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I am on no one’s side because no one is on my side

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I hate niggers and jews, but I ain't no fuckin Nazi.

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I'm on your side, brother.

Nice find.

You can watch the livestream yourself, it's not fake. American's can't accept that a president feels safe enough around his citizens to speak alone surrounded by thousands, unlike Biden.

I'm on the side of the best propagandists
Bring your A game, motherfuckers

We know it , someone has disturbed Putin.

Attached: ScreenHunter_01 Mar. 20 07.20.jpg (548x396, 70.28K)

I couldn't even get my sign into a trump rally

Not claiming fake, what are they doing? I'm missing a lot of context here.

I'm with the pagans

Ivan's new here

You need some Yevon in your life, user.

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Bodyguards doing bodyguard things, much nicer than this don't you think?

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never ask a retard to understand photoshop.

KYS faggot.

I'm on the side of Bayraktar!

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