Do you think Marshall Mathers has legit talent?

Do you think Marshall Mathers has legit talent?

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Even if you dont like his music, theres no denying that

It's not difficult to be the best in a field when your only competition is niggers. It's like competing in the special olympics while not having any disabilities.

Its spooky how quickwited he is and speed .... its over

Gingers have no soul

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Absolutely. His wordplay and understanding of phonetics is otherwordly. Yes there are obvious times he is reaching, but even his reaches are better than 70% of the other "lyrical" rappers out there.

>dope songs
>several of them have actual poetic lyrics
>doesn't rhyme nigger with nigger in every song
>no retarded face tats
>been touring for decades
uh yeah bro

Had yes, has no

Based and truthpilled

The original one did. The guy who came up with the coffee pot rhyme is shit tier.

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rapping isn't a legitamate talent.

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I am but a lowly white boi who doesn’t listen to much nighabeats but I’d say so

He’s white so yeah

He really fell off hard, he yells every song in a loud angry voice, remember when every Eminem song didn't sound like The Way I am but the lyrics have nothing to do with each other and make no sense. He just rhymes really angry and loud non sequiturs, the shot is unlistenable

Yeah he’s skilled but cringe as fuck

>i can't rap, therefore....

GOAT full stop

Yeah. I hate the guy though.

Not a question. Incredible talent. But he is cringe as all fuck now

Marshall mathers died from drug overdose in 2008.

Thats a clone

This guy’s been on the scene since the late 90s, sold a shit ton of music, made a movie (heard it’s good, haven’t seen it), probably dicked some pretty famous hotties, yep, I’d say he’s got talent.

If he’s past it a bit, it’s just what happens to most artists. Not too many of his 90s contemporaries are still around. Eminem was BIG in the late 90s/early 00s, like Oasis, Radiohead, Coldplay, and none of them are doing shit anymore except enjoying the spoils of their success, gotta give props to Eminem at least he’s still trying.