I've been flirting with this Nigerian girl at work for awhile now...

I've been flirting with this Nigerian girl at work for awhile now, and yesterday while I was looking at my phone she grabbed it from me and gave me her number. I was gonna ask for it anyway but I thought that was pretty cool. But I texted her today and she didn't text me back. What should I make of this? Is she playing hard to get or trying to set up a FWB situation? I'm thinking if she doesn't text me back, I text her again on tuesday to see if she wants to meet up for coffee, because I want to kiss her at some point during the date.

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Just chill sperg, it's clear that she wants something like you. Let her tell you what that is, be it work friends, fwb, a situationship or further.

I've noticed in the past few years, the whole "drop your contact info and see how he acts" has become more popular and it's degrading. In my eyes, it's a shit test. Take it as such.

But the thing is I always feel like if I'm getting a shit test, I fucked up somewhere already. Maybe I'm overthinking this? I definitely want to fuck this girl but I'm not really looking for anything serious. It's just kinda weird that she wanted to give me her number that badly yet she doesn't jump at the chance to text me

Yeah you're buggin man; this is just the modern woman.

I've also noticed, anecdotally of course, that the women of darker complexion (niggers) are better versed and more apt to deploy these electronic shit tests.


facts. women are petty, but niggers are horrible for these mind games. they think because they have a pussy they run the world, and play game with you trying to get you to chase their nigger cunt.

the only way this works out is if you show you don't give a fuck and she decides that she wants you
chasing her (when you've already tried once and she hasn't responded) will not work out

see her at work, treat her completely normally as you were doing and she WAS responding to. it won't necessarily work, but showing how desperate you are DEFINITELY won't

Samefag here; he's right. Check out Patrice O'Neil, specifically the Black Philip show. Fantastic commentary on this exact concept.

No reason that this specific group is so outwardly rude about it either; maybe if the pussy was ACTUALLY as good as the majority of black women portray it to be it would be worth it. MAYBE.

Spoiler alert: I promise it's not.

I mean I get it, she wants to make sure I'm not crazy or needy or whatever. I've been told that black girls especially for cautious about things like that. I just find it strange. Is this she way of saying she doesn't want anything serious either?

I'm not desperate at all. I only texted her once and left it alone. She's at work right now so I know she saw it. I think she likes me as she's very flirty with me and gets jealous if she sees me talking to another girl, unless maybe she's just fucking with me?

What did you text her?

Yeah also curious here

I just texted her "hey, how's your day going so far" and that was it.

Will do, thanks user

Women of all races are cunts, from my experience.

>I'm not desperate at all
i didn't mean to say that you are, but if you happen to be and you show her that you are, it will never, ever happen. however, the fact that you texted her "today", when you know she's been at work, and you're already making a thread about it?
hot tip, women can smell desperation
as i said, forget texting her (also what did you text her? women don't want texting buddies, leave messaging for organising to see her and nothing else), wait til you see her in person at work and treat her as you normally have at work.

Here's the thing too; I'd say in 35% of cases (conservatively) it's a group think activity between multiple women. Group chat, screenshot and send in for discussion.

Its honestly disgusting how women on the whole have been behaving; but I digress, the "how is your day going?" Does sound desperate. That's fine, recovery is but a step away.

Just chill my man. Seriously, chill. She doesn't react? Chill. She does react? Chill. Treat her as you always have, see where it goes. That's all you can do.

Michel Jordon, when asked about his clutch shot making abilities, answered "I don't worry about a shot until it leaves my hand, I've done all I can do"

Thats the attitude.

>I just texted her "hey, how's your day going so far" and that was it.
when she replies
>haha yer cool. want to get a drink friday night?
and fuck don't reply instantly. you're a busy, attractive guy with plenty of stuff going on and plenty of options, you're not here for chit-chat

Well it's not that I made this thread with the mindset of "OH GOD PLEASE HELP ME", I was just confused about the situation that's all. The thing is I'm not sure when I'm seeing her again as I'm part time and she's full time. The whole point is I want to see her outside of work, with the idea of fucking her eventually, and I thought she was thinking the same and I still do. Maybe she's just playing hard to get?

How is that desperate though? She was telling me how her feet hurt during our shift yesterday, so I figured I'd ask to show that I care. I'm not really that worried about it. I just find it kinda confusing is all.

Well I was thinking coffee because she already told me she doesn't drink alcohol. I figure I ask her to meet up on wednesday, as I'm going to be in that area for work later, and at some point I kiss her during the date. That way if I choose to go on friday when she's there we've established a physical relationship. I'm not trying to rush this but I do want to get the ball rolling for sure.

1: text her for a meet up.
2: Lie about the size of your dick.
Example: "I have a "12 dick"

>Well it's not that I made this thread with the mindset of "OH GOD PLEASE HELP ME", I was just confused about the situation that's all. The thing is I'm not sure when I'm seeing her again as I'm part time and she's full time. The whole point is I want to see her outside of work, with the idea of fucking her eventually, and I thought she was thinking the same and I still do. Maybe she's just playing hard to get?
she's a woman, nothing she ever does will ever make sense to you, don't expect it to
keep doing what you're doing that has gotten you this far, don't change now. pretend she's one of your mates when you're not communicating with her in person.

>show that I care
women almost don't want you to care, especially if they haven't earned it. women want to chase and to earn, they don't want to be handed the world on a silver platter - well, they do, but the men that do won't be the ones that they're having sex with (unless those men are in the top 1% and have it 100% made)

>Well I was thinking coffee because she already told me she doesn't drink alcohol. I figure I ask her to meet up on wednesday, as I'm going to be in that area for work later, and at some point I kiss her during the date. That way if I choose to go on friday when she's there we've established a physical relationship. I'm not trying to rush this but I do want to get the ball rolling for sure.
as the other user said, you're thinking way too much, relax and let it breath.
when she replies, send something along the lines of
>yea cool. hey, want to get a coffee on wednesday?
none of this "i'm going to be in the area" bullshit, don't justify yourself to her. she either wants to or doesn't want to, you don't care either way, you're way too busy and have way too many options to need to justify yourself to her

>text her for a meet up.
Hard to do that if she doesn't reply, no?

No means yes.

Don’t be a pussy and call her.

Thanks user, and yeah I was thinking of doing something along those lines. I texted her with the idea of making small talk first, so she knows I'm thinking about her at least, then just suggesting we get coffee on tuesday. I told her when I last saw her I was going to work on wednesday anyway. It's just a curveball I didn't see coming, as I figured she would jump at the chance to talk to me.

These days I don't see any point in calling, unless we've been on at least one date. But IMO it's a good way to know if she's really interested or not, as the vast majority of girls won't answer or call you back if they don't like you.

Dude with experience here. Just wait for her to respond. When she does... fuck coffee go on a hike, go to the beach, do some fun shit and if you want to fuck her first date you should have Netflix ready good movie/TV picked out drinks nearby in case she's kinda bsing on no alch. Make a move during the movie and the rest is history. I like taking them back to the bedroom but sometimes its fun to fuck up the couch

Samefag but now a phone poster
Never try and figure what a woman should/will do, you never, EVER will, and you’ll just leave yourself confused and frustrated because they are so fucking dumb
They operate on emotions. Logic is not a thing they consider or care about. You cannot reason with a woman

Here’s another tip that will blow your mind: what a woman says is only true at the time she says it (and there’s no guarantee it’s even true then if you get a particularly shit one). For you and I, if one of us says something to other, we can both come back 6 months later and there’s a really Good chance it will still be true. Women? No.
I hung out with a girl as Friends 3 times a few months ago, and then finally got to take her on a date. We’ve known each other for 3 years and she originally asked me out about 2.5 years ago, however the timing hadn’t been right the entire time (and some details about the situation I was in when she originally asked me out freaked her out ongoing too). So finally about 3-4 months ago, we hung out as friends 3 times, then went on literally the best date I’ve been on - she told me she was nervous when I picked her up, she was dipping her used chopsticks in the wasabi and putting it on my sushi (without even asking me), and we held hands for about 20 mins on the way home - none of which you’d do with a friend you’re out to dinner with, when you know they’re into you but you don’t feel the same way
Texted her a week later to see if she wanted to do it again, she made me wait 4 days for a reply then cut me off at the knees - as I said, after t he most successful date I’ve ever been on. Go figure

Then a month later, she asked if I was still competing in an event she’d expressed an interest in coming watching me do - even though we hadn’t spoken in a month, and the last communication we had was her basically saying “not interested, have a nice life, see you never”

Not much more to it but hit limit

Also if you like her and start texting just call her ass up. Talking always has girls ready to date of you're good at it. Be fun, interesting, confident, chill and interested but mostly enjoy it and be natural too

Eventually chicks aren't on a pedestool once you've had practice and know they're easily replaceable.