What color is it

what color is it

Attached: file.png (256x389, 149.24K)

Brown and green like shit


Turn on the light and I'll tell you.

Blue and black

White dress with gold/yellow-tan blue shifted by the ambient lighting.


it's fucking blue with black stripes

White & goldtards have to do serious mental gymnastics to explain why they think their eyes are lying to them

how the fuck do people think its black and blue? am i color blind?

depends on your monitor settings


Attached: artworks-000430821720-m4eozx-t500x500.jpg (500x500, 53.13K)

blue and crime.

shit yellow and grayish

Attached: 1647736718125.png (431x389, 213.52K)



white and gold. the image is underexposed. if you correct it you see what you actually see with your own eyes if you were in the room.


Attached: 1647736718125-01.jpg (256x389, 18.09K)

Checked Blue

Whatever color this is.

Attached: aaaaaa.jpg (256x389, 12.58K)

No matter what I do, I can't help but see white and gold. I never, ever, ever see black and blue, even though I know for a fact that's exactly what it is.

jewish and jewish

>"the image is underexposed"
>background in the original image is visibly overexposed and warm
I hope this is bait
I genuinely think that if you see white and gold you have some kind of mental retardation

White and gold

you have no clue how a camera works. die.


Attached: 240872069_518846652545841_6333403899720669281_n.jpg (1080x1080, 146.37K)