So true

So true.

Attached: uxep.jpg (500x470, 44.21K)

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What? Nutrition is racist? That’s it I’m gonna eat McDonald’s for the rest of my life. Fuck having a healthy nutritional dietary plan, that’s literally racist.

Yup. The invented the BMI, a way to measure health by height?

makes black people healthier lmao

Pretty much everything that USA has done until the last 10 years has been built upon racism.
Now it's just MOSTLY built upon racism.

Attached: 1620593340044.jpg (640x480, 75.93K)


we can ignore it though when it comes to fighting in Ukraine, Nazis in ukraine is totally fine

Attached: LibFaggots.png (682x1027, 403.57K)

>blood libel

>Everything is built upon racism
Just because you sit in your basement shilling socialism and wokeist BS doesn't make anyone who has made a successful life and career is a racist.
Rope yourself commie larper.

10/10 Well Done

I didn't racist.

You know what's interesting is the selective history lessons. Go back another 20 years before redlining really got going and Irish and Italians weren't considered white. It's almost like there is an agenda or something

When everything is racist, nothing is racist.


>Irish and Italians weren't considered white
Yes they were. Comparing Irish people to blacks was done for laugh. They were treated back then the same way Americans treat rural White people, but you wouldn't say rednecks aren't considered White. Here is an old political cartoon comparing blacks and White Irish people as a mean spirited joke

Attached: 1*GE4JINVwcMq--KRIMpqxlQ.jpg (653x950, 172.66K)

go live somewhere not run by white racists then

So you post an old harpers proving my point and say I don't understand the nuance? Sure user. Just as ppl don't understand the nuance of how mortgages were different back then as most required a balloon payment at the end... hmm I wonder which population segments are more prone to always being in debt, living right at their means and unable to have the foresight to save for said balloon payments. But of course that's not their fault bc everything was rigged against them and they didn't do nuffin.

What are you even talking about? Irish people were never thought to be of a non-White race. People called them White niggers because they acknowledged their Whiteness. They were just compared to blacks be sure Irish immigrants to America tended to drink a lot

Odd, you would use the same tactics to make white people feel bad that you used to make black people feel bad for the last 50 years. Oppression methodolgy is an odd thing.

What am I talking about? The technicalities of mortgages and how they were different in the past bc your entire theory that blacks suffer the legacy of racism past down through generations based upon whites unfairly building wealth over them in the last century due to "fix it and forget it" easy installment payments is much more nuanced than you claim. Just as you claim I dont understand the nuance of how Irish were discriminated against is somehow different than what blacks experienced. Now wtf is your last sentence talking about you little simp bitch.

I'm the guy who disagreed with you about the Irish and Italians not being considered White. I said nothing about mortgages

haha fuck Putin you third world loser

isn't this just about american cuisine being trash?