What is the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?

What is the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?

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Kinda tastes like egg and vanilla.

I had raw horse meat topped with salmon roe. Shit was fire.

My mother's pussy


It sounds pretty harmless to me, but each his own nightmare I guess. I once ate the head of an octopus. The "beak" was the worst.

Balut. Or I tried to eat it atleast.

A potato

alligator. Just tasted like beef.

Sounds interesting though. Cowboy food!

Tibetan food. Ox momos are very good

It was in Japan. I did not see anyone with boots, spurs, or a 10-gallon hat.

Balut is damn good when dipped in spicy chili oil or hot mustard. It's just a hard-boiled egg...but with feathers and bones. Makes you feel like a true alpha.

Omg. Just googled it. I could never!

It wasnt bad. Just weird.
Ive not had much experience in life.
Poverty limits you a lot.
In fact right now I know I have a painful growth somewhere I rather not say. Is it cancer? Who knows? All I know is I cant even begin to think about finding out what it is much less treat it.
Damn do I hate being poor.

I always thought that alligator tasted like slightly-sweet chicken. I've had it a few times and it's always been good. Grilled on a sandwich, fried on a stick, slow-cooked in a gumbo.

ass, probably

tres leche cake

Poverty is cancer. I would say that it's always better to know for sure though.

I think it's hot!

Well if I had the money I would know.
Thats not how things are though.
Good luck with your life stranger.

And to you as well!

Putin's dick. He is gay af