You get one wish

You get one wish

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That my dvd copy of that movie is no longer scratched so I can watch it again.

I wish I have dubs


I would fuck Jirachi

But you would watch everyone you love die user

I want to impregnate a beautiful Asian woman

Fuck you those are mine dubs

Kill all coomers

I wish for OP to stop being a faggot

Attached: spider-man-meme.jpg (1400x788, 70.33K)

I wish that ammunition stops working so the next world war will be fought with katanas

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You fucking weeb. There won't be that many swords. It's gonna be spears and arrows fatass

I wish that this wish is not granted.

To bend reality to my will

Democrat voters die but I'll allow it to be painless

To fuck Jirachi.

I’m not even same posting you retard

3 minutes on the goat tower

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see the future, like an app that lets me see exactly how whatever i ask is going to happen, either that or being able to stop time

To fix things with Jules

Bro if Pokémon is real in this scenario I’d wish legit no one would have sex with one cause that’s just fucked

I wish for all the Jews to die.