3 1/2 hours in. Smells good

3 1/2 hours in. Smells good

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What are you cooking?
Why would you line the pot with plastic? You're cooking the plastic. That can't be healthy and would probably make it taste like plastic. Please explain this in detail.

These are food safe liners that are regularly used; they make them for crockpots and for baking turkeys in and all kinds of stuff.

They don't do anything.

Ribs with some vegetables under. The plastic is so I don’t have to scrub the pot

>You're cooking the plastic. That can't be healthy and would probably make it taste like plastic.
Makes sense. After all, when I bake cookies on a cookie sheet, I'm baking the steel. It can't be healthy and the cookies always taste like steel. Eating my snickerdoodles is like licking the dull part of a knife blade.

Quick recap

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plastic and steel melt at the exact same temp. Why else would you make such an analogy unless they were similar? No way you'd compare plastic with steel if they were different because that would make you gay.

Sounds disgusting. No thanks. It's not even healthy to drink water from bottles left out in the sun because they degrade into the water on a cellular level, with simple sunlight, much less in a crock pot. Do these liners have a 1000 degree melting temperature or something?

Q What are Reynolds Kitchens® Slow Cooker Liners made of?
A The liners are made of a special BPA-free material suitable for cooking foods in slow cookers on high, low, or warm settings. Reynolds has safely used this blend of nylon for over 30 years.

Q Are Reynolds Kitchens® Slow Cooker liners BPA-free?
A Yes. Slow Cooker Liners are BPA-free and FDA-compliant for cooking.

>The plastic is so I don’t have to scrub the pot

If the pot is porcelain you likely wouldn't even have to scrub it.

Do you really think it's worth it to literally broil your food in toxic chemicals released from the plastic breaking down just to save 5 seconds of wiping? If you do then hey, you do you and enjoy, I'm just saying.

>made of a special BPA-free material
Well if the guys selling them say it's safe then it's safe. Got it.

And you tried so hard.
It's almost as if "plastic" is a generic term for a huge number of different polymers with different properties, including the temperature at which they break down or "leech," or whether they even do that at all.

how many people REEEE about this then go out and buy chips, cookies, pizzas, crackers, lunch meat, cheese, drink soda, drink water, eat fast food that was all originally wrapped in.................... plastic?

You know there are certain polymers that can withstand up to 500 degrees right? Typically cooking handles on cookware is made from this stuff so it can withstand gas stove tops

It isn't the heat that degrades some plastics, it is the UV radiation.

do you cook your food at 1000 degrees user?

4 hours

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Overall, I was only able to process about seventy percent of what he said and I couildn't collaborate his statistics a proposed but I couildn't disprove them either; so I suppose that he was right. I am therefore assuming that were I to research them, that at least 90 percent of them would be at least 90 or 85 percent accurate. At least. Therefore, I do not have much to complain about at all.

What I do have a disagreement with and cannot help but hardly ignore at all, is this repeated blaming of the victim and asimilation of a pseudo-philosophical and aristocratic attitude. I am not accusing him of being pretentious. He substantiated his claims with statistics, they seemed sufficiently accurate, and to enough of a degree to where I do not even need to check them. That isn't what I am talking about. And before I unleash my notably ruthless criticism of human kind as I usually do, I will need to admit that he is like, all of us, a work in progress and rather evidently perfecting his own personal philosophy. Which is his right, our responsibility and our merit. Therefore, he isn't being accused of being imperfect at all , I am merely suggesting my own experience into view.

He is right; the ethical intellectual persona is far superior to that of the ruthless brute. Indeed. He is right. I am not being tolerant, shy or cagey here. He is right. He is right in his personal development, as an artist becoming an intellectual, excellent in quality. He is right. I am not being nice. He is. What I, personally, am grieviously and painfully aggravated with to the level of death, is this painfully reoccurring habit of humanity when it comes to trampling over the carcasses of hundreds of thousands of human beings before prodding them to the side with an expensive shoe before saying "someone ought to clean this up. Someone could slip and fall".

Yeah, fuck baking sheets.

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I might throw in some cabbage towards the end. Didn’t use it all for ST Pats meal

"someone ought to clean this up. Someone could slip and fall". And, I know for a fact that he saw the rampant violence and the rampant murder, because he was throroughly versed in the related subjects. He was familiar with the inner workings and experience of drug dealing. Therefore, he saw the corpses. Which, statistically, are numbered in the hundreds of thousands. Its a mass grave in many regards.

And, I am not accusing him or excusing him. I am admiting that he is excellent, unusual and rare. Rare. Not the norm. Rare. Therefore, why I am emphasizing him and hedging my arguments so much. Most people are not. And, it is sickening. And, here is why. I personally grew up in a violent neighborhood. Urban. I was violently assaulted as child, by other children. As infants. And, as a teenager, a school was closed down , middle school, due to so much violence. Fist fights. American. Urban. Therefore, it wasn't me bringing the violence into the picture. It was already like that. What I can however assert is that I never did threaten anyone outside of these in-school conflicts, I never did harass people, I never was the one to move out of right side of the sidewalk to push people into the street. I will however admit that I had a violent experience in school. Whether I was successful or not is not the point. It was violent. In school. And once I left, It stopped. I began reading. For entertainment. Watching documentaries. Entertaining my delicate and intellectual proclivities. But, what I feel painfully infringed upon, is validating the view of the aristocracy. Intellectualism isn't superior. In my experience, brutality is narrowed down to; did you beat up men? Yes. Okay. Women or Children? No? Good. Here you go, here is your medal, you savage. Done. Finished. It's that simple. It's not superior or inferior to reading books or studying the philosophies. And, optimally, we should all move away from all brutality

what were those white things that looked like sliced up bananas? Some kinda squash?