Are you gonna get a dusty miner card?

Are you gonna get a dusty miner card?

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Will get a brand new one thanks to my albanian blood, stealing of course

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maybe once they drop 50% retail or lower
until then Id rather pay a few hundres more and not buy the roastie equivalent of gpus

For the right price sure

Had an RX6800 since after market cards launched.

I'll keep it till atleast the 7000 series launch then gift it to a friend with a 970.

I was but then I realize all my games run at 60+ fps.

best i can do is 3$

No user, I just paid for an operation for my dog, not in the best economic situation right now

what was the operation / how much?

I would but the currency of my country has crashed in comparison to the dolar and everything cost double than 5 years ago

200 dollars for something related to the teeth, can't remember the word, they used some medical term, but is my fault anyways, I should have take better care of my dog

200 buckarinos is enough to put you in dire straits?

Nigga get a job

I have some savings but I would prefer to eat before upgrading my PC, job hunting is not going well

No, I got a new comfy smol 75W 4GB card. I don't need a 3 fan banana boat and I'm not giving money to miner cunts.

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god i wish that were me

I have the 50W 1050 ti and it sucks ass bro

Fuck miners. Parasite creatures. Id rather do without than give them a single penny

Where and how much? Preferably a 6800XT?

No fuck them.
