No bloat

>no bloat
>uses systemd by default
Why is this considered the """(((distro)))""" that's bloat-free?

Attached: 1627094695836.png (1024x302, 34.64K)

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I use Fedora Workstation.

systemd works and is easy to use. hope this helps!

System big d just werks, no idea why it makes trannies seethe so much

It doesn't follow the Unix philosophy. And it's gay and stinky.
Dumb Redhat tranny how much are you getting paid by IBM to shill GNOME/Wayland/Pulseaudio/SystemD/ThinkPads on here? I miss when it was still GNU/Linux and the GNU actually meant something. Linux has been ruined by the moneyed interest of gay glowies.

why are you avoiding the bloat question.

>Dumb Redhat tranny how much are you getting paid by IBM to shill GNOME/Wayland/Pulseaudio/SystemD/ThinkPads on here? I miss when it was still GNU/Linux and the GNU actually meant something. Linux has been ruined by the moneyed interest of gay glowies.

Attached: 1655995355277.png (645x770, 36.23K)

This. Linux at its core should be the modern version of 1970s Unix supercomputers. A fast, lightweight operating system that only does a few things but does them quickly and efficiently without being weighed down by the bloat of Windows. What's the difference between using modern SystemD/Redhat (GNU/Linux is dead) with Wayland and GNOME and all of that garbage and using Windows exactly? Absolutely nothing. Except Windows is more reliable because you get what you pay for. Artix with a tiling WM is the closest experience you can get to real Unix on Linux, and even then you're better off using OpenBSD. Learn how to use your goddamn computer or go back to Windows. The consequences of normalfaggots invading Linux has been dire.


even the Arch creator doesn't use Arch lmao

Attached: 1647266105377.png (619x278, 82.46K)

>Why is this considered the """(((distro)))""" that's bloat-free?
>why are you avoiding the bloat question.

You are literally not old enough to remember a time before systemd. Kill yourself zoomer.

Now show the section for software.

>Why is this considered the """(((distro)))""" that's bloat-free?
it's not, it just has a graeat packet manager + the AUR

>Now show the section for software.

Attached: 1644138181252.png (651x316, 84.51K)

Two words: Artix OpenRC.

spare some glownigger

Unix philosophy is gay, so is gahnoo

Liar caught red-handed.
>First and foremost is Arch Linux. On top of that, I use the i3 tiling window manager, which I've customized with a couple patches and a number of homegrown utilities that I use to keep myself productive. Examples include a custom notification system, dynamic per-workspace LCD backlighting, and a few other sundry scripts that integrate with i3 over its IPC channel.


Attached: 1651626044693.png (668x338, 65.83K)

>no bloat
the reason people use arch is because it has literally every package possible in the AUR not because it is bloat-free


just use artix retard
>Installed Size: 47.9 MB
>Installed Size 12,772.0 kB
>Installed Size: 109.9 MB
>Installed Size 116.0 kB

$ podman pull
$ podman images|grep -E '(archlinux|debian|alpine)' latest 45c8b3677ed6 41 hours ago 378 MB 11-slim c9cb6c086ef7 3 weeks ago 83.9 MB latest e66264b98777 4 weeks ago 5.82 MB

Why is this trainwreck of a distro which bundles support for Fortran and Obj-C in base considered bloat-free again?

I use Arch and didn't need anything from the AUR yet.

No idea what you're trying to convey.

Arch is actually bloated, but who fucking cares. I don't want to waste time hunting down dev/header packages or whatever. I just want it to work.

>the reason people use arch is because it has literally every package possible in the AUR