You have 8 minutes to live

You have 8 minutes to live

Attached: Nuclear-Test.jpg (786x580, 94.9K)

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Honestly too much time


You can fire your arrows from the Tower of Babel, but you can never strike God!

Attached: jeffyeppy.jpg (739x415, 19.5K)

I already have a smoke and a beer going, so it's all good.

Attached: 42.jpg (250x230, 8.17K)

Time enough to jerk off, I guess.


I send dick pics to all the girls I want to fuck asking to come over and fuck
who knows, might have time enough to get my dick wet right before I die.

my first thought too

Well, I guess it's time to come clean then. user, I...

>You have 8 minutes to live
Damn, I'd better fasterbate...

Get in my car, drive to the lake next to me Sit down smoke, and drink some water, and eat my snacks and fruits. Than die.

>posted 54 minutes ago
why give me hope op?


Are they going to take you over one last call with their loved ones?
If they are, would they make it in 8 minutes?

Speedrun Untilted Goose Game

Attached: scqsx52g8jo31.jpg (443x394, 7.94K)


Definitely rape so I don't die a virgin and get a piece I want, rather than what I'd end up settling for.

Attached: Hillary Chloe - Writes Itself.jpg (750x720, 87.27K)

find the nearest 10 year old, we know that's what you really want

Trips means you will have to do it now.

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Why am i not dead yet?

Shit a turd big enough to crawl into

I figure I've got a bit more than that lad