What is the purpose of going to war, anons?

What is the purpose of going to war, anons?

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adrenalin rush

Dying for your masters wealth


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To die to decrease the surplus population, and to reduce the quality of the gene pool for normies that’s why they send the poors and the lowly educated, and finally to make governments and corporations themselves richer or more powerful, simple really

I'm bored and I want to be drafted instead of going to college. It's like having an excuse to be a bum. All you gotta do is fight, I do that either ways. Might as well go to a foreign country and become a "hero" while doing it. Ofc theres an odd chance i might get killed, but who cares, Ima die one day either ways

It's an adventure and a task real men have been doing for milennias. But you won't get it because you are a coward faggot Tranny cucked by the soy

You sound like a fucking idiot

To make the ruling elites and their capitalists wealthier. Usually.
Sometimes it is to secure yourself from such greedy encroachments

To crush your foes, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women.

To have fun, and be yourself


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Free tuition fee.

You'll never find out about yourself working in some fucking factory in Ohio.

to win the war

Kill tankies.

to capture the objective...or is that Call of duty

no it's not CoD, because no one plays the god damned objective.

based fuckin lawl

Break shit, dismantle an enemy, steal shit, leave.

uh, to make sure corporations stay wealthy without making them spend their own money or waste their own children? They unironically use the money they made to weasel deeper into your government and get policies made that ensure EVEN MORE money is made.