been a professional programmer for 15 years

> been a professional programmer for 15 years
> wrote a lot of low-level C++ code
> been eyeing Rust, wanting to get a Rust job eventually
> "Hey, user, we're restructuring, you're a senior Python developer now"
> wtf, python is a scripting language for kids
> well, it's quite readable at least
> the OOP is nicely done
> async/await just works
> there are a lot of libraries
> you can just write code and it'll be fast enough by default
Turns out xkcd was right, Python is the ultimate white man's language.

Attached: python.png (518x588, 88.71K)

i fucking hate it with a passion
its totally unsuitable for anything that goes beyond its libraries (obviously written in lower level languages)

why not C#, or java?
the former is compiled, the latter is JIT which makes em orders of magnitude more versatile

>its totally unsuitable for anything that goes beyond its libraries
Wrong. Maybe you just aren't very bright.

>fast enough

totally unsuitable.
recently we made a lil program here, on g.
the goal was to find swastika patterns in the binary representation of the first bilion digits of pi.

a lad made it in python. it took him 1200s to run, and i dont even dare to imagine what was the memory footrpint of that monstruosity.

i wrote mine in c.
took 3.9s to run within 500kb iirc

It starts falling apart when you need to make generics and end up storing references to classes everywhere.
Also, a lot of libraries are still missing type labels.

Why wouldn't you use it's libraries, though? I'm pretty sure this would be extremely fast you use NumPy properly.

I agree, except about async/await. Async/await is a mess in Python, as it is with every language. Not all libraries that should support async/await semantics do. Worse, the calling thread blocks if it calls the wrong function. Go is the only language whose concurrency story I’m satisfied by.

>> the OOP is nicely done
I'm not a fan of Python's OOP component, but it's still better than what you find in other languages such as C++ and Java.

OOP is only really useful in a dymamically typed context, where you don't need shitty class hierarchies to obtain polymorphism. Class hierarchies are largely a workaround needed for statically typed languages.

>when you need to make generics
You don't know how to leverage dymamic typing properly.

Python is very VERY bad and your post is a good reason why. Python allows SCUM (mathematicians, statisticians, PhD's in humanities, etc) to write code that [barely] works. They don't understand data structures, they don't optimize, they don't think it through before they write it, just just start slapping grotesque, nasty, retarded shit into a jupyter notebook and think they're programming.

And what happens? everything goes slow, dependencies break, code is ugly and unreadable, everything is inefficient not just because python itself is a trash tier subhuman language, but because the mongoloids writing it find a way to make it even slower and worse by writing it in a preposterously stupid way.

Python allows non-programmers to encroach into the programmer's space. And while that might sound good at first, it's an absolute travesty if you're a programmer.

Imagine going to a concert hall to see a savant musician play the violin, only for a NIGGER to come in with a boom box and start mumbling and calling it music. The nigger rap is the "data scientist" with his jupyter notebook and the classical musician an actual real fucking programmer.

Honestly if I ever have influence over who is hired and who is fired I'm literally going to order than any resumes even MENTIONING python go directly in the round file.

>my original point
also dont think so.
the mission was to translate hex numbers into binary and roll them around every 5 binary digits. oh, and it started with as string.
in a one gig file.

afaik the internal representation of chars by default is utf in python. which is 4x bigger than ascii (correct me if im wrong, i dont know utf very well)

thats already a big hit on the memory.
and bc of how cache works, its 4x slower in ingesting into the proc (if 4x bigger ofc)
and thats before factoring in interpretation vs compilation

also controlling buffer size is trivial in c, and so are binary operations and jump tables (used them to translate ascii to numbers. i dont think you can beat a single dereferencing of a static variable [always loaded in the processor]). i loaded the file in 10 kb chunks into my program.
i dont know how to do it on python. theres surely a way, but in C its trivial.
computationally cheap too.

i mean, yeah, with libraries python is cool and all
but it is really weak as a standalone language

I also love MagicMock. Testing Python code is a breeze. I only regret that MagicMock is unaware of type annotations, so sometimes you can use the wrong types while you’re testing.

>Python allows SCUM
Who hurt you?

There aren’t enough “real programmers” to satisfy all the demand. If you’re building a system, you need a programmer who understands the fundamentals. But perhaps the cost/benefit analysis says that it’s good to enable domain experts cobble together small programs that fit their needs.

The language might be fine but the environment is a nightmare.

Attached: python_environment_2x.png (983x974, 110.67K)

totally justified hate.
as far as im concerned, everybody should start with C to at least have a vague idea of what is going on under the hood.
higher level languages obviously have their place in the production pipeline

but people who have no clue are an absolute aberration
and those who deem themselves grand programmers because they can initialize a framework take that aberration to a whole new level

>you can just write code and it'll be fast enough by default
This just means you don't actually have any performance requirements from your application. That's fine, plenty of projects are like that but it doesn't mean Python has particularly good performance at all.

Just use pipenv.

"Real programmers" are those who couldn't hack it in "scum" fields.

Performance is not a problem until it's a problem.

real programmers are those who allow scum to exist because they write their frameworks and libraries.

a "thank you

>real programmers are those who allow scum to exist because they write their frameworks and libraries.
and languages.
remember that standard python is written in C