ITT: Depressing Movies

ITT: Depressing Movies

Not necessarily movies that have a sad ending, but movies like pic related which have an overwhelmingly bleak and hopeless atmosphere

Attached: the_road.jpg (1400x937, 254.16K)

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This is another brutal one based on random survivors of nuclear war hiding in an underground bunker.

Attached: The Divide (2011).jpg (720x486, 31.31K)

Hey bro. A man after my own heart. I can help you out.
A land of blood and honey.
The secret life of words
The Unbearable lightness if being.
The Trench.
There Will be blood
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind.
The Number 23
The Mechanic (Christian Bale)

Thinking of more. Should I go on?

God Bless America.

On the first viewing I thought it was fucking hilarious, and how each and every kill was absolutely fucking warranted and deserved, but then the second time around the fact that there will always be cunts like the ones who get popped, and no amount of culling will get rid of them, and the world is fucking doomed to be filled with those fucking oxygen stealing shitwaffles, really fuckin' upset me.

The Divide?

interesting one but pretty anticlimactic, I wouldn't recommend it generally, though it fits OP's request perfectly

Amazing, thanks for the suggestions mate. Out of those I've only seen Eternal Sunshine and The Mechanic and loved them both.

Just looked it up and it sounds brutal. Cheers pal

The Pianist

Attached: the-pianist-2002.jpg (1200x675, 185.29K)

Okay. Glad you like it. Im a sucker for sadness. I love movies that make feel bad.

The Shape of Water
Letters from Iwo Jima
Flags of our fathers
Moon (Sam Rockwell)
The ghost and the Darkness.
Crimson Peak
In the Tall Grass
Full Metal Jacket.

Im Thinking of more. Keep going?

Fantastic film, criminally unheard of, but yeah, those people will always exist and that pains me.

A grade sad boner fuel.

requiem for a dream

Good one. Gave me anxiety.

Attached: Mulholland Drive.jpg (2000x2950, 1019.98K)

>God Bless America.
Fucking based as FUCK.
Great movie and seriously underrated.

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please do if you don't mind mate! writing all these suggestions down

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came for the David Lynch mindfuck. Stayed for the girl on girl scenes

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That speech, and the one Jeff Daniels does for... The Newsroom, is it? Those two speeches are fucking god tier speeches.

>The Mechanic
You mean The Machinist?

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Cool. I like giving suggestions. Bear in mind these movies are all different genres but pretty gloomy nonetheless.

One Flew over the cuckoos nest.
The Departed (Dicaprio+Nicholson)
The Others (Nicole Kidman)
Unbreakable (Willis)
Blade runner. Old and new one. Both gloomy as hell.
Cabin Fever.
Final destination. Original one. Not sequels.
The Butterfly effect.......

Never heard of this but having just googled it sounds like it would fit the bill. Cheers mate

the jeff daniels one is retarded

what is this called in English?

Yup. Sorry. Just going off my head with things that I remember being depressing.

Fair warning, don't watch following a breakup.

Attached: Blue Valentine.jpg (2813x4160, 990.35K)

Too close to home?


Nice taste user. Fucking amazing film, I genuinely almost posted this instead of the Road for the OP.

The Grey Zone. Completely astonishing final scene, but man do you pay for it to get there.

Drive with Ryan Gosling
was pretty fucking headsmashing sad too.

Much appreciated bro. In return can I recommend Stay (2004), it went completely under the radar when it came out but it's a disturbing headfuck

The one with the Taken guy in a plane crash and everyone gets killed by wolves. Saw it like 10 years ago and I don't remember it being good or anything, just that it was incredibly bleak

Good Time.
wasn't really interested at first since the main character is that twilight faggit but it ended up being really good

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Ah. Dont remember that one. Ill check it out.

In return i offer you:
In the Cut with Meg Ryan. - pretty raunchy but sideways sad and gloomy.
Righteous Kill (Deniro and Pacino)
Leon The professional
The Rover (Guy Pierce)
Killing Them Softly (Brad Pitt)......

The Grey.
It was so fucking gloomy my dick got hard. vvvvvvv

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Pretty sure this movie cursed me, once in a while I think of the song really vividly, then something terrible happens in my life shortly afterwards.

I recommend Hamlet 1996. It has all the lines from the play, and the character Hamlet would have posted here for sure.

Attached: hamlet_branagh_secondscene.jpg (1600x1062, 469.79K)

Let The Right One In. Pretty goddamn depressing.