Anybody here diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, bipolar personality disorder or psychosis?

Anybody here diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, bipolar personality disorder or psychosis?
How do you cope?

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by ejaculating in OPs ear while he sleeps

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Smoke weed to break thru.. Used to have bpd, weed converted to psychopathy/paranoia... Nature and cigs and shrooms cured....sum vodka too..axmd2

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i have diagnosed d.i.d. and manic and depressive episodes that come and go. i stay around friends and i certainly need to be around them way more and some videogames like dark souls 2 and fallout new vegas right now. early morning on Any Forums and no sleep though.

My neighbor is, and i didn't knew. I've been kind to her at first but she's a fucking psycho, and now she think i'm her best friend. I can't even take avantage of her and fuck her because she's ugly and fat.
If you are, don't bother your neighborhood with your life please. and good luck user

i almost got diagnosed with antysocial personality disorder, but then i guess i have bpd and borderline type 2, we are almost psycho, honestly i would be a troon rather than this

im on amphetamine dailiy, an alcoholic too, on a lot of pills and just a polyaddict...

Schizoaffective. And I cope by smoking lots of mari-wana. Plus taking my meds as prescribed

I would like attention too, what should I say I have?

i don't have money for my meds
but i do smoke a shit ton of weed, im a student, pharmacy, it fucking sucks to not have money for food and have to spend 50 usd just to feel normal


Unironically just take your meds. Maybe get someone else, like family or someone you trust to take care of credit cards and spending if you can. Please just take your meds. Don’t listen to that bullshit about suppressing your “true self”, unmedicated bipolar people are some of the worst people I want to hang around with.

it sucks. I don't know what it feels like. Personnally i don't suffer, but i'm tired and sick of living. But i keep telling myself that at the end, It doesn't even matter.
I'm 31 and i live like a teenageboy. I do my 8h per day slave work. I smoke a lot of weed, fuck my girlfriend and masturbate a lot. Nothing matters for me except smoking weed and masturbate, my life is empty.
But as i said, you must suffer so it's not comparable, but i pretend to be happy with everyone around me and it's not the case. So you are not alone user, unhappy in this life. Still sincerely hope the best for you.

wrong reply

Antisocial personality disorder.
I just go about life and try to listen to Anthrax's Antisocial less to see if that helps.

Was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and schizophrenic episode. Never had any shizo phase, or maybe never noticed.
I cope with weed, it's the only thing that really helps when a moodswing hits me hard.

hell is real, it's mental illness

my official diagnosis is schizoaffective disorder but who fucking knows, i really do not care about life in general, i don't get to do anything i really want to do, like smoke weed, smoking weed messes up my mental health too much so i can't do that anymore, can't drink because it makes me feel like shit, i have no friends, haven't had sex (with a female) since 2012, life is boring and tiresome, i am suffering a lot but there's nothing i can do about it

my life is lonely and painfull too hope u get better


Coping is all about setting up a lifestyle that's compatible basically. Also dextromethorphan and cbd oil. Massive doses of fish oil and hemp oil for the omega 3's and 6's. Lemon balm tea. Motherfucking MUSIC nigger. WE BLASTIN TUNES UP IN THIS BEEYOTCH

shut the fuck up faggot

suck my dick loser lmao

how many bitches did you fuck this week