Yes, I am doing this for a moral reason, but more importantly I'm doing this because this person is constantly in pain

Yes, I am doing this for a moral reason, but more importantly I'm doing this because this person is constantly in pain.

Anyway, is there anyway I can get painkillers for an elderly parent without a prescription? My elderly parent is in deep pain all the time. I'm willing to take the risk of breaking the law for this. So far medical services have been unfaithful towards my elderly parent. This person has constantly been in and out of hospitals when in pain.

Shit I'll buy some bitcoin and do a deal with some of you all if you can let me do a deal with you.

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That person should be able to get their own prescription

If you're being serious just go to a getting town and ask some skinny tweaker types.

Yeah, well their greedy asses aren't doing shit to help my elderly parent.


I'm thinking more of getting it online since I can't do that.

Sorry, officer. I can't help you.

Besides that, the fuck does a skinny tweaker type look like?

Oh fuck you. What god damn lengths do I have to go through to get some help?

Get them to see a different doctor.

No, fuck you. What do I have to go through?

Fuck off, pill head. Quit the shit before it kills you.

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You are busted let it rest glowing bitch hahaha

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Your cover is already blown faggot don't push it to far or you will be fucked by the fury of the anons

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I do, and they see a doctor for it and get a prescription. What happened, did you sell all your grandma's pills and now she has to wait to get them filled again?

Alright, fine.

Her hospital is refusing to give her pain medication! She already has stiches on her leg and is dealing with a couple of problems with her blood system! All I'm asking is just some way I can get some pain killers!

You know what. Fuck it. Fine then. You all are willing to give each other marijuana but unwilling to help my serious problem.

Hospitals give painkillers like they where candys, try a better excuse next time you retard

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Nobody is giving grass to nobody you fucking retard lol

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If her hospital/doctor won't give her any, then it's likely because it could kill her due to a medical condition or drug interaction.

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Well what you are proposing is unsustainable. Financially.
I don't know where you are, but some OXY go for up to $5/pill depending on the market. That gets pricy, quick.
I agree with the other user that just seeing another doctor is the better choice. Cheaper too.

If it's a one time thing, you might be able to buy a few off of some at a local skate park.
Also please remember that these pills are horrible for liver and kidney function, which could be a reason why none are prescribed. Say if they had kidney failure, or hepatitis. By giving them these pill, you could in fact be euthanizing them accidentally.
Just something to keep in mind. I'm not sure how much of their medical history you have available to you. As you sound like an in home caregiver/cna and most likely don't have the proper medical training.
If you can only find heroin, make sure it isn't fentanyl.
Cook it, and place .1g in a pill fill the rest with 50/50 fiber supplement powder and caffeine.
The heroin will cause a cessation of soft muscle action in the thoracic cavity, causing constipation.
The fiber and caffeine should help counter some of that.
If they drink coffee in the morning, drop the caffeine. And don't give caffeine before bed.
Good luck.