It's time to go back home, fellow black people

It's time to go back home, fellow black people.

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40 million in America alone.
98% of global births in Africa and Asia.
Delusions over here


Come home, black man.

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I would unironically support reparations if it also came with mandatory repatriation.

If you made a Twitter and also posted this elsewhere like Reddit I'd be amused. As is its just a bunch of preaching to the choir with no lulz.

Yeah I agree, actually literally support this as more of a shitpost or stfu

This is a neat concept, but niggers are smart enough not to do that. They don't actually hate America or England, they love it, because they currently wield all the power. They can be blatantly racist with no consequence, they can behave immorally and reprehensibly with no consequence, they can behave aggressively to the point to riots, assault and even murder with no consequence, and they are given endless hand outs, special treatment and are preferentially hired cuz muh diversity. Fuck niggers, spics and mud slime sand niggers. White nations should be for the whites

Yeah it's a shit post, the racists here are too cowardly to do anything

So im black and I only half support this only because i think we should go back and build up our own country. HOWEVER, I dont support it because white people (the radical ones atleast) want to just kick us all out, with nothing but our meanial possessions to a basically 3rd world country for nothing but cultural appropriation and solidarity. Additionally you want us to go back to a country that has and currently is having its wealth extracted from in and a systemic manner to enrich other white people. Thats basically suicide.

Nah we aint going nowhere. We were born here and here we will stay. Deal with it. Just stop being racist. Your skin color doesnt make you special

Niggers are stray dogs with a sense of entitlement. You couldn't pay them to leave.

"Plz make ur personal information publik so we can racially profile u"

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>Your skin color doesnt make you special
>they currently wield all the power. They can be blatantly racist with no consequence, they can behave immorally and reprehensibly with no consequence, they can behave aggressively to the point to riots, assault and even murder with no consequence, and they are given endless hand outs, special treatment and are preferentially hired cuz muh diversity
Stoopid nigger

Your talking about niggers in the first one. Black people are fine, normal, sane and rational people. Niggers are the ones that need to be kicked out.

Think about it like this:
Mexicans, Filipinos, Chinese, Slavs, and abunch of others immigrate to the states every day for a better life, get better jobs and send money back to their shithole country to support their families left behind. But those families never leave and you never cry about kicking them out. They are extracting wealth from you just as much as anyone else. Blacks were brought here against their will, everything stripped from them and made to work to enrich whites and now that they arent any worth to you anymore you want them out. Thats pretty petty and shitty. White people should be ashamed.

>we should go back and build up our own county
What and where is that out of curiosity?

They also get killed in the streets, sent to jail in mass numbers, held down from being any sort of successful except in some sort of entertainment and are haggled at all points due to the color of their skin and it being something they cant "hide". Half the "white" people in america arent even white. But your skin color hides your heritage so Rodreguiz the fair skinned "white person" or Nguyen the slightly yellow "white person" also claim and jump on the band wagon against black people just cause they look different. Why is it that you guys get so excited when that 23 and me set comes back and your 0.000007% cuban or japanese. OH JOY im not just bland ass white people! look at me Im Special Now!!!

yeah and by that definition every race has their niggers and there are many many more white "niggers" than they are black ones. You all just make excuses for them. Additionally, there is a system that creates niggers in the black community. LET them succeed and their wont be that many of them. But powerful whites like to keep them impoverished cause they are terrified what a large number of powerful educated blacks can do to a white community.

I wouldnt mind going back to Africa. But that would have to be with the stipulation that every other country and their businesses would have to get kicked out. If it were possible to have the economic and cultural resturcturing like Russia or China did were we could unit all our people and establish our own network of production and trade then we would be a world power to be contended with. But destabilization is and always has been the name of the game and thats why Africa is a shit whole now dependent on trade from other more powerful nations. The Philippines is the same way.

But, like, where in Africa though? Remember Africa is a huge ass continent.

That's not happening AT ALL.
Fuck you, nigger subhuman

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Thats a oddly specific questions and not one i feel like should matter in the context of the situation. I've been to South Africa (around Johannesburg and Pretoria), Ghana, Djibouti, and South Sudan. Some are spectacular places. Some are shitholes. Each has their own cultural richness or lack thereof. People will go to where they feel most comfortable.

I forgot to add that as far as all the races go and EVERY RACE IS RACIST, EVERY SINGLE HUMAN IS RACIST,, blacks are by far the most racist. Humans catagotize EVERYTHING, we're made to do that for our survival.

Next time someone tells you whites are racist ask them this. If whites are so "inherently racist", when was the last time you met someone that hates Japanese people? Probably neverfuckingday and they attacked us on our own soil less than a hundred years ago. But we let it go because thats what we do. Why does almost every race dislike blacks?

They are an ongoing problem and a liability.

Fuck you back, cracker subhuman.

Riddle me this my negro

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At least those that you mentioned that send money back to their families in a shithole country are actually doing something worthwhile, while being contributing members of society.

Blacks don't do that. Living from experience they will ruin a perfectly good neighborhood and lower the standards of the schools they are put in if given the chance.

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The difference is tolerance. Also you hate blacks becuase they are a people dis-enfranchised. This is the exact reason Germans hated jews back in the 1940s. They are a people displaced from their lands and made to live in spaces where they "arent welcome" but you wont do anything to benefit those people in their homeland. There is never a problem in exploiting their cheap labor or extracting their wealth from their country, but once they get a foot hold in yours then its THESE NIGGERS/SPICS/JAPS/ARABS NEED TO LEAVE.

Stop with that. Go to france and you will hear them talk about the middle eastern community the same way. Not to long ago Mr. Trumpy had yall spouting the same about Mexican immigrants. You white people have some soft ass heads.

Go to Africa. There are whites there that need to be told that face to face.
The white people there are racist. You can tell by their skin color.

>At least those that you mentioned that send money back to their families in a shithole country are actually doing something worthwhile, while being contributing members of society.

Exploiting cheap labor to benefit white people get richer off the backs and materials of those impoverish. You soft headed fool. Its funny you say they "contribute" they are modern day slaves just as much as we are. And if they werent there Impoverished whites would be doing the menial labor and you would be screaming about how "THE JEWS" or "THE OIL BARON ARABS" or some other boogy man is shitting up your country.

Asians and Mexicans hate blacks also

I am a white guy living in africa right now, no black people I know actually want to move back to africa because the quality of life sucks. At most of they did they might go to south africa which is all nicely built up, but they wouldnt come to where I live or places I've gone too. They enjoy the conviances of American too much. They can get a nice house, have stable power and water, nice low cost internet, paved roads, they can make more money even thought they think they are some circus show for white people. Etc. Even though theyll talk about going back to africa all the time they just bitch out.


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In america theyll be paid more. I have a guy that cleans my house for $60s a month and I have a book for $180 a month. To them they think that's good money.

Because they'd have to be around unadulterated versions of themselves...
Feral, bootie scratchin', cannibal headhunter Ebola havin' bitch niggaz

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As a person that has lived in both places i can tell you they dont "hate blacks". Anyone hates someone that acts out. They feel the same about any foreigner. Black, white, hispanic or asian. Infact they are very distrusting of white people as they think they own everything and act like their skin color is like visa or something. They feel like they are accepted everywhere and some people will cow-tow for the cash they are expected to have but will give them shit service and sneer behind their backs. You should be more traveled friend.