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Retarded headline when they pulled down 13 other names too

Mom let the hyaena use her computer again.

They are retarded in a based sorta way, frick Marx nonetheless.

Are you laughing?

Any reason is good. Good riddance

Not sure what's funny; Marx was a Russian philosopher.

Wasn't he German?


Well if ya think about it, why the fuck would you have that in a florida library anyway?
It wpuld be the equivalent of Russia have Harriet Tubman or JFK statue in their liquor stores.

maybe he did business in konigsberg

1/10 made me reply

he was german you fucking mongoloid. his ideas and the ideas of the imperialist russian state are completely different

>Marx was a Russian economist.

Just to remind you all. After the January 6th (frame up) protest/capital tour the US ss have put all anti capitalists on the same list of “domestic terrorists” as the racists

He was a rootless kike, not a German.

Fucking took them long enough, no one should be reading trash

>no one should be allowed to read what they want
found the book-burner

^The Biden Fascist, everybody.

nope, not russian, german.
also the retard didn't know economics, but was a nominal philosopher, i guess.

>the retard didn't know economics
L0Lno fgt pls

Seriously tho, he can gobbledegook about sociology and behaviorialism all day. But to get an actual cogent economic theory that actually worked and made sense... ya, that never happened.

Classic Gator move lolololol

fuck Marx, but it's hilarious that they banned a German philosopher's name. it was totally cool when communism was killing millions, but suddenly the oligarchic dictatorship of Russia is too much. lol

Atleast pretend like you have ever even read Kapital, brainlet

Are you claiming sociology and behaviorialism are unrelated to economics?
>an actual cogent economic theory that actually worked
Economists are still working on that, more than a hundred years after Marx.
Try to keep up, user.

Then explain to me where his "theory" actually worked. Where the state "withered away" and people selflessly acted like a borg collective and equitably shared resources without state coercion... go on, i have plenty of time.

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> Muh 600000 gorrillion
And I guess this was all Marx' fault wasnt it?
Guess were also not going to talk about the millions capitalism kills arent we?

Youre not that smart user.

I'm confused here. Marx is the guy who wrote the communist manifesto right? And wasn't he German? So I guess my real question is... Wat?

>still working it out

150 years later, still no working model... i'm guessing by the looks of things, it won't happen, but keep up the faith! humans may act like a mindless anthill at some point!

What theory? Dialectical materialism?

You dont read, you dont want to rood, and you arent gonna read.
Dont go pretending you have a serious intention to do something rather than just being a smug contrarian
Go read your own books dumbass

yes, let's talk about the countless millions whose lives have been lifted out of poverty by jobs raising their standards of living hundreds of years forward in the span of a couple decades.

point me to one communist state where the standard of living for the non-party favorites improved year-over-year.

you can't because you stifle innovation and accumulate capital at the top (you just lie about not doing it unlike capitalists). put the bong down

> I got time
Then actually read a book for once shitface