Guys what happens when i die?

guys what happens when i die?

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if u r a dopg u will go 2 jheaven.........

if you die around niggers they go thru your pockets, steal your shoes...

how can there exist "nothing"
how can i become nothing
for all eternity
its like drawing 4D accurately on a sheet of paper

You can't be nothing, never fear that. However, there may come a time when you desperately wish you could become nothing. Savor this time you have.

>Savor this time you have.
its hard user. i was born with genetic laziness and i cant finish my phd because of it.
im about to fail my phd and get kicked out of my job for not getting phd.
i wanna go into the nothingness but i just cant get my head around it.

You've come to the right place. Any Forums is knowledgeable in all things, including what happens after death. Everything you read is the God's honest truth. Not.

you go in the ground

Prepare to meet your maker. You will be ok.

The whole world instantly becomes twice smarter, more beautiful and more interesting, that's how much stupid, ugly and boring you are. Do the universe a favor and kill yourself as fast as possible!

You immediately transition into nonexistence. Any other explanation is pure bullshit.

why would all this happen
why were we summoned here
if we had been nothingness and then came to existence
and then we go into nonexistence again

man, seeing animals do everything they can to survive, cause they kick around so much when they feel they might die
they seem to want to escape death so badly
why would even the animals know that death is something that bad

This is a good question, I would rather believe in something rather than nothing. It keeps me going I hope you grasp something too.

the same thing that happens to the hentai saved on your computer if the hard drive gets wiped.
The materials which make up your consciousness are shifted about by the circumstances of your death and the failing of your body.

There's no such thing as a soul, your mind is just a collection of memories and perceptions.

Attached: 1485142743560.jpg (387x461, 24.33K)

Attached: Quantum Soul.jpg (1200x500, 235.48K)

You don't remember the 13.7 billion years the universe has been around, you also won't remember the hundreds of trillions of years until it's demise. You're a miraculous brief splash in the pond.

Attached: 124213212.jpg (482x625, 362.01K)

yeah but somehow that "nothingness" that I had been before i was born, was actually "finite".
how can we be so sure that the "nothingness" that I will become again will this time not be finite? is the finity counter somehow being tracked?

also, how in the fuck am i me and not a random guy that lives in the 1500s?

I have no answer for that. I'm an Atheist, but even I believe given enough time, maybe 100, 1000, 1 billion universe restarts (if the big bang occurs over and over resetting things), then just maybe, all the atoms that make your specific consciousness could happen once again. Nobody really knows.

>just maybe, all the atoms that make your specific consciousness could happen once again. Nobody really knows.
the shittiest part about it all is retaining no memories, so every hypothetical iteration you just wonder about this over and over again.
however there are plenty of kids who claimed to remember they had a life in the past and they gave accurate details.
fuck, man

Pure coincidence I suppose. Everyone who lived in the 1500's were lucky in their own regard. The 1500's were a much better time than say when the black plague occurred.

phew thanks for the not at the end

id much rather go to Any Forums than go to r*ddit and other dogshit circlejerks