Jobless anons, why don't you have a job?

Jobless anons, why don't you have a job?

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I refuse support a tyrannical government.

I'd rather starve

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How does working a non government job support the government?


He doesn’t know. He’s just parroting whatever his favorite right wing grifted told him

You love taxes though. That's where you get your welfare from. You know, off the sleeves of hard working people?

You think we are going to small claims court? Think again.

I'm going to sue you for every measly cent you have animaterr man. Your YouTube career that took you ages to build will crumble and lose so many subs when they figure you were a fraud this whole time. A rotund, fat fucking man in a clown outfit who stole memes off of more successful members of society.

Meme stealing in the state of Arkansas is no joke, it's a violation of copyright infringement, oh yeah. Either you're going to pay me 775k USD or you will spend 10 months in the state penitentiary. Your choice. Would you spend 10 months in prison? Well? Would you?

you got problems dude

The jobs around me are unrewarding, and pay like shit. I'm in my late 30's and not about to get massively in debt with government loans so i can pay for school for the next 10 years so i can hopefully someday land a decent paying job somewhere.

The only problem I have is with people like you who have it easy. You've never had a hard day in your life and you likely never will. The possessions in your housing unit don't even belong to you deep down because you didn't work for any of it. Nothing to show anything. Just a rotting leech the rest of the world has to put up with and coddle to remain alive. Goodnight.

At least you both got some sweet dubs.
Goodnight angry user

I'm angry right now but I have money. You're unemployed forever.

Because I'm going to school again soon, and also on the verge of collecting disability.

Work like fuck just to pay bills & taxes or stay at home playing vidya all day? Hmmmm..

>live alone
>started working in hospital in 2018
>loved it for a few years but quit in march 2021 cuz of one coworker and I was tired of dealing with covid patients that hardly required to be in the hospital
>saved up a nice sum of money
>been living off that for almost a year now
>burned through almost 20% of my savings
>dunno when I'll go back to work/don't care

Working 8 hours is "working like fuck"? Oh my God what a pampered loser. The princess doesn't want to work 8 little hours.

At least you gave it a shot. That's all that matters. You've earned the money, not like welfare fucks. I seriously don't understand why taxes pays for them. If I was in charge of government I'd let them die in the street.

I'm thinking of getting going to university. I have a trade degree already but I can't make this shitty pay my entire life. 100k salary will barely keep you afloat in the next few years with how high lining costs will become

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RN from here. Idk if I'd take it that far but I agree welfare does way too much. Should be pretty strict and solely to help people get on their feet and be self sufficient, not to pay for them to live off the system forever. But I'm still gonna work as a nurse I'm not throwing my license away. No need to write "at least you gave it a shot" lol. I just quit just because, to take a break idk. And it's been longer than I expected it to be.

8 hours? What are you a cleaner? Get a fucking real job you pathetic loser, quit working part time. Infact just kill yourself

That's what I'm saying. At least you aren't cheating the fucking system, and that money you have has every right to be yours, not even in a legal sense, but in a moral sense as well. Nurses deal with a lot of nasty shit work that most people don't want to do. Someone's gotta do it though.

Why should I kill myself? I do work that needs to get done that most people don't want to do.

Do you tell your mom to kill herself when she does your laundry? If she did, then what?

what does this word "jobless" mean?

I was lazy now I'm agoraphobic

Quit my last one a week ago. It was just bad for me. I’m applying for others

i went to college and i make $170k per year. no issues here and i've been maxing out my 401k ($19500 per year) with my company adding 7 percent. sucks to suck.