Hello dear sirs

hello dear sirs,
please help me with my school home school work

Attached: javaprogram.png (766x699, 72.72K)

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people like you shouldnt ever be allowed to touch a computer again

Sirs you must add factory and factory bean generator to ensure proper bean encapsulation and injection

Expertly crafted bait. This is guaranteed to get 300+ responses.

Attached: 1651437415993.jpg (1988x2048, 441.12K)

Its not bait Sir
what is bean???

>what is bean???
Good sir please attend CORE JAVA course taught by DURGA SIR, weapon of JAVA, to understand, ok?

too much expensive sir ...

Attached: durga.png (612x291, 155.82K)

sire use the BOOLEAN power of java weapon

Sirs? please i need to present my work in two houers, kindly solve this problem thank

nice bisqwit theme loser

I use Python
I'm a Pajeet
Doing the needful
Shitting the streets

Sir, it's better to use enum type for the result of isThisNumberEven. Also, that function should be in it's own separate class. Let's call it MyIsThisNumberEven for now. No need to push so many things in a single class. The OO paradigm is all about modularity. Somebody else who might work with your code might decide to make another implementation so what you should to is create an abstract type AbstractIsThisNumberEven and have your class extend it. With this, you also need AbstractIsThisNumberEvenFactory that creates AbstractIsThisNumberEven objects and another factory that extends the abstract one and creates MyIsThisNumberEven objects.


You tried too hard, faggot. You lost.

Attached: 158862526-8d84504e-e508-4c8a-b43d-7f4b8fb724b5.jpg (550x550, 42.58K)


The beauty of this bait code is that this retarded but in a perfectly beliavable way, OP trully mastered pajeetness

>no arrays
sir, please do the needful

Does there exist a competition to write the worst, most abominable code to solve simple problems like in OPs pic? I know stuff like code golf exists but I'm looking for something where intentionally complicated logic and slow runtime are what's judged

you picked a bad font on purpose, didn't you
>captcha: TSG0D

It's not believable at all. My retarded classmates who are yet to pass a single cs class write better code than this.

No, I actually use that font

kek no way
it's awful

imo its better than the one on the right

Attached: a.png (1905x768, 171.1K)