What are some cool begginer python projects?

What are some cool begginer python projects?

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my first project was automated porn database

Input to colour palette, those are quite inefficient, so if you can make an efficient one then you're better than the average.

1. HelloWorld
2. TwoSum
3. bmiCalculator
Be careful tho, these are often too complicated for PyToddlers

>muh language of muh choice has le hard syntax, it makes me a sophisticated person.

there was that infographic with coding challenges of varying difficulty
so someone can post if, if they have it

program do disprove riemann hypothesis

Can someone explain this zoomer haircut to me? Do women think its attractive? Because as a 30 year old guy it looks completely fucking ridiculous and ugly. Like its on par with a bowlcut or mullet to me

why are milliennials so mindfucked by zoomers?

Every generation has a stupid haircut

i started with python last week and have automated every single menial task with playwright go for that is fun i wish there was an autooomator wojak to say is literally me

this. how quick people are to forget

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Nasty ass women still get this haircut lmao

fuzz bizz

What's wrong with his face holy shit and how do I avoid that

Why not selenium?

Its from pimples that havent been popped/treated (or i think). Pop your pimples and take care of your hygiene, goy

usually popping makes it worse

Mulatto perm looks less retarded than manbuns at least. Really got tired of seeing those stupid fucking things on every fat hipster

he had really bad acne. look up pics of him before he became skillrex. i took accutane which basically nuked my acne in 4 months, but left me with really bad acne scars on my chest/upper arms.

you will never be a real woman