What did more damage to the human spirit; the car or the computer?

What did more damage to the human spirit; the car or the computer?

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The smartphone

fpbp and nice digits


Cars gave us freedom, computers knowledge
What's worse?

Interesting question. but I think it would have to be computers.
There's an upper bound on the possible damage cars can do to humanity, and it seems like we've reached it. There's a lot of pushback on cars lately, and there are plenty of places where you can live without one.
Computers have done far more damage than cars have, and there's an immense amount of effort and money pushing to spread computers further, expand the kinds of harms they can do, and lower people's defenses against them.

cars and computers are both Good Things. they should never be combined, though.

>cars gave us freedom
what mental gymnastics are you ameritards going through to arrive at this conclusion? cars forced you into suburbia like cattle into a cowshed. you need to commute for two hours a day to your offices and get no exercise while doing so.

What came first the chicken or the egg? I'd say the velociraptor

good album. never want to listen to it again tho. once or twice is enuff.

the freedom to not live in a commieblock and then climb in a sardine can with a bunch of bums every day. also the freedom to go somewhere where/when the government doesn't deign to run transit services.

>noooo I need my PRIVATE sardine can to sit in traffic instead of actually getting somewhere :(

lead gas

Yes, unironically. back when I worked in a Mouse Utopia I drove even though there was a train that (during rush hour at least) was about 15-20 minutes faster. Just to be in my own private box and not have to sit next to a bunch of chucklefucks for an hour. I controlled the radio and the heat/AC, and I left when it was convenient for me, no running to catch the 4:45 because the next train wasn't for another half-hour. It wasn't even much more expensive (I think it was like a buck more per day) because the rail service had some ridiculous ticket prices.

Sitting in traffic beats riding a train.

good one

Cars enhance the human spirit

jokes on you was it not for porn your favorite websites and imageboards probably will never be archived whatsoever meanwhile nobody bats an eye on mindgeek we coomers are always your scapegoat for no reason at all

>your favorite websites and imageboards probably will never be archived whatsoever
I don't care
>for no reason at all
I'm not a christfag, not a moralfag but porn is bad the brain, and above all because males spend their sexual drive to pixels instead of chasing women.
The last one is why porn is beyond fucked up for society as a whole.

so your telling me to impregnate as much chink whores as i could find in a span of few years instead of doing more useful things alrighty then?
>implying prosocial ideologies are actually better for you in any way
checkmate muttiod

The medium is the message. The car made us build extremely unaesthethicc cities for its own sake. The computer turned us into data. It was inevitable.

Always keep in mind that a tech or object has its own agenda, irrespective of ours.

If you don't watch porn and are even remotely attracted by chink subhumans there's something wrong with you and you shouldn't reproduce lol
I don't give a fuck mate, if you watch porn instead of reproducing. On the contrary.
Your fucked up lineage is weeded out. All good.
And I'm sure you don't give a fuck either, as a happy coomer, about what people like me think.
As I said, I'm not a christfag nor a moralfag. I don't think we should save people who don't want to live. That's their life, they can do what the fuck they want.