When is everyone going to learn to stop voting for democrats? I’m sick of paying for your stupidity

When is everyone going to learn to stop voting for democrats? I’m sick of paying for your stupidity

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Never, young stupid kids vote democrat
There will always be new young stupid kids.

It’s a sad cycle

probably should raise the age to vote to like 30

I won't be satisfied until gas is over $10 a gallon. Fuck poor people. Starve the bastards and drown their pathetic mewling spawn.

The price of gas got over $4 when Bush was president.

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$1.75 was the overall average

That’s a brilliant idea

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Yes and make it so only white landowners can vote

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I just want to say that I’m really tired of having seen this whole “democrats versus Republican” bullshit all my life.

I’m 31 and every President has been a disappointing piece of shit.

It’s not a question of when people will stop voting libs, it’s a question of when are we going to get sick and tired of American politicians and guillotine all their asses.

And I mean ALL of them. Shit. Throw in their families too.

You must be European.

I mean, can't expect rationality from an American, right?


>bush sends us into a recessison
>prices go up
>obama cleans up his mess
>trump sends us into a pandemic, prices crash, then start shooting back up
>once again dems are left to clean up the mess

I’m confused. Does the President have a dial in the Oval Office that directly controls gas prices? Cuz otherwise I would think this has something to do with the oil companies, raising prices despite no lack of production and having record profits last year

Democrats are good for my portfolio and republicans create volatility. Democrats expanded the child tax credit, Republicans expanded tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations. They really aren't the same, though most individuals are duplicitous sociopaths and neither side doss what it says overall.

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Wait, you don't want to own the libs no matter what?

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Some dems do support term limits and putting more egulations in place for financial conflicts of interest amoungs senators, but ironically probably not enough to enact it even with a democratic majority until some of the establishment ages out.

I totally agree with you, they are all criminals. I look at the Republican Party as the better of two evils. Under a republican presidency my taxes are always lower, cost of living is lower and the business I am in flourishes. Overall more opportunities to get ahead financially (all around).

I’m 39 and I’m exhausted with the rollercoaster- the cost of living increasing to record levels every time a democrat gets elected

Russia, Russia, Russia!

>I’m sick of paying for your stupidity

Poster doesn't realize how ironic his statement is!

Even some of the things that we take for granted will always be supported by both sides like funds for Israel and an ever growing military budget have at least SOME vioces of dissent amoung the younger dems.

The price of gas is important to you for some reason? Do you have nothing else to think about?

>the business I'm in is male on male prostitution

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go back to pol faggot

Gas prices have declined, less than &100 per barrel as of tuesday.

U hav smol pp

2020 was a crash?

Are you to young to remember was 08 was like?

Yeah, cuz of all those weeks where had was 25¢. You fucking idiot believe anything you see online. The graph is just lies. Probably made in a troll farm. Stop being retarded.

>I agree both sides bad but actually right side not so bad and left side SUPER BAD MAGA 2024!

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Where gas was*