Vagina is the most addictive drug in the world

Vagina is the most addictive drug in the world.

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my dick's too thin to enjoy the average vagoo

Yes but only raw

When you get none and are underage. I fuck hookers so now the urges arent that strong

>never had a Catinone

>drugs are disgusting and ruin your life
Actually apt description of pussies.

But sex feels so good

and youll never be able to have it Any Forumsro.... how does this make you, as a white man, feel?

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Wait until you’ve sucked a big dick, on coke. That’s even more addictive.

So does heroin

Only if you're a faggot


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definitely this

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not even close coomer
try good meth

No. Morphine is

It's actually just getting older

This is true. When you get older you hopefully have more experience in dealing with women, which makes you come to the conclusion that women suck, women are disgusting, pussy is completely overrated, or a combination of those.

No, alcohol is stronger.

Someone can't wait to turn 21

I'm 42, and I had around dozen of gf, and now i'm single since 4 years. I've been able to live without vagina, quite easily. I'm fighting against myself to quit's in good way but not completely done.

>Vagina is the most addictive drug in the world.
Nah, bored of it nao, prefer girlcock.