Do you think mental illness isn't real? i've been thinking about this a lot lately...

Do you think mental illness isn't real? i've been thinking about this a lot lately, that mental illness is just a coined phrase that we use as insults to cast someones opinion aside. I don't think mental illness is real, in fact, i believe it's due to our environment and how we're raised. Also, i know actual neurological brain disease like alzheimer's and shit, but, like, Bipolar,Depression,Autism,Schizophrenia (Except the hallucinations of Schizophrenia) are all just shitty behavioral traits, that either feaster and get worse with time, or can be fixed through social interactions and teachings.

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Maybe mentally illness is not real. Maybe the lives we live are just depressing. It could be that "mentally illness" (I'm guessing this was invented by Jews) is a natural response to our environment.

it's all fake, especially "autism"

No I definitely think you're autistic OP.

Mental illness is like a physical disease OP, in that you may now suffer from a permanent dis ease of the mind due to whatever factors brought you there.

They are real. I grew up with a schizophrenic mother. If you think there is some way to bring them out of it or correct their behavior, you're unfortunately wrong. It's chemical

Who's to say a schizo is wrong? just because they make wild claims doesn't mean every wild thing they say is unfounded. If your mother was trained forcefully from a young age learning certain behavioral traits it could be negated completely. Fyi, just because their chemicals are different doesn't mean anything. Literally schizo in the past thought the earth was round when everyone though it sat upon a series of animals.

Eat cobalt and milk dum aluminum Gay

My mom grew up a normal life and developed schizophrenia at an older age, which is rare, and it ruined her life. They can't function without medication. Yeah I can debate with you if whatever they are fantasizing about is any less real than the reality most people experience, but it doesn't matter because in this shared reality we all have to work, earn money, eat, etc. So as a mother, she could not do it, she disappeared and was homeless for 6 years, and the only reason she is alive today is because her sister randomly ran into her on the streets in san fran.

Sorry, but your ideas are childish. You're taking rare examples of geniuses with borderline insanity (imagination) and comparing them to average people with chemical imbalances who can't function in society. All it does is create an unhappy environment for them and whoever has to take care of them. Having a gifted mind with a big imagination is different than thinking the refrigerator is talking to you because your mind is trying to cope with misfiring neurons and mixed info in your head

>thinking the refrigerator is talking to you because your mind is trying to cope with misfiring neurons and mixed info in your head

What's wrong with that? people talk to their cars and inanimate objects all the time, just because you think it's weird doesn't mean they're mentally ill, just different. Besides, it's not impossible for someone to form an actual personality and give it to a random object and have conversations with it, we as humans are so smart we can create more of us if we try hard enough that is. Remember the movie cast away? and the guy started making friends with a coconut? yeah, he's not a schizo, he was just using his super human ability to create another human to interact with and give him advice. Again, just because it's weird in your sheltered eyes doesn't mean it's wrong. People who are blind or deaf view life through a different lense than you, who's to say schizo's are any different? or people with any so called "mental illness" for that matter.

Imbalances in brain chemicals, real and measurable.
Pure made-up bullshit to justify social inadequacy.
Literally a case of a fractured psyche. We like to think of our mind as a single unit, and most of the time it works that way. But a brain has different departments (e.g. sensory, emotional, cognitive) which can sometimes fight each other.

You have clearly never met a child with autism. If you think mental illness is not real, I invite you to read the countless medical journals that have been made about a plethora of mental illnesses over the years. Your opinion does not trump science, man.



i think, bipolar, autism, and schizophrenia is real, but depression, OCD, and ADHD diagnoses can be a little fishy ngl

Complete 12 year old take user. Thats like denying people are born handicapped with physical disabilities even though you can see the proof. You think the brain is incapable of being flawed? Out of all the complications that can happen at birth, the human brain is the one single organ invulnerable from any and all forms of malfunction?

> Also, i know actual neurological brain disease like alzheimer's and shit, but, like, Bipolar,Depression,Autism,Schizophrenia (Except the hallucinations of Schizophrenia) are all just shitty behavioral traits, that either feaster and get worse with time, or can be fixed through social interactions and teachings.

What the fuck do you think drives behaviour user? The brain! Wow you learn something new everyday eh. Also, the fact you think you can cure austim, bipolar and skitzo with “teachings” (you dont even mention medication btw) makes me redact my first statement. This is a 10 year old take. Fucking cringe user, you seriously need friends.

I found it very ironic you could not even spell science correctly in your retort. Well done, made me laugh at your idiocy.


please go stare in a mirror before responding back, thx

I think some mental illnesses are "real" like schizophrenia, but shit like depression, anxiety, adhd, etc are fake in that they are just the response of the mind to the modern hell

yeah my

>sheltered eyes

I grew up with it, kid. I grew up in an abusive household with a schizo mom and whatever my dad was. You're right it was just "weird" when my mom would come into my room at 3a.m to scream at me about whatever she was thinking about. Gosh I wish I had been more understanding.

Again, you have 0 idea what you're talking about. I've heard this nonsense before. They are childish ideas. Go take a class on it, unless you think that is part of some grand conspiracy to exile the non conformers from society and label them crazy. Or get out of your house. Try living on the streets among homeless people, like I also have, and see if you can figure out which ones are just on drugs, insane, a mix of both, or "just a little different" as you like to put it.

Try getting out of your house in general

There is literally no diagnosis of autism. Hence "muh spectrum".

LOL, bro, talk about a 12 year old take with your ridiculous ad hominem response. YES, people who are actually handicapped can't help it due to a broken leg or arm or w/e, but the brain? no, so many people just simply don't understand the brain and how it works. But in reality, it's all coined phrases used against you, to make you feel weak, so they can dominate you. Do you know how rare true mental illness was 50 years ago? i've talked to my dad and mother about this, and they've told me they never met someone with bad mental issues, except for a few suicides, which is just illogical thinking on their end, not mental illness. I've dealt with autist people before and all sorts of people with these so called "illnesses" and they're normal basic ass people, and the only reason they take pills and feel bad about what they do is because society curb stomps their individualism with pills and false diagnosis, which they SELL you, not give to you. hmm makes you think doesn't it? You just don't understand those people because you are a sheltered brat, when was the last time you had a conversation with someone homeless? they're normal people who've been pushed down by society. if we created an environment that was healthy it could negate all these "mental illnesses" except the neurological brain disease, which with be akin to something like a literal broken back or leg.

Pronunciation is how the word is spoken, not spelled. Go back to school my child. While we are at the lesson on grammar, saying 'before responding back' is redundant, you could, and should have just said 'before responding'. For next time, bud

There aren't a lot of people with true mental illness now either.

Also you just admitted you do believe in mental illness with that phrase.

It's still relative to the population. There are more social problems and social behaviors. Those are an issue of environment. But mental illness still exists, "true mental illness".

You are right there is a need for an industry to perpetuate certain ideas in order to retain funding and jobs. That is abundant in all industries. That is a result of capitalism and money in general, not mental illness.

Mental Illness is only real when you are jumping around on the street corner violently pissing yourself and yelling at jesus. Depression, trendy schizophrenia, ocd, etc. are all exaggerated ways to say "I'm sad and I suck".

You're responding with your emotions due to your history with your mother, and you're quick to getting defensive, which is fine, i get it, you had a rough time with your mother, but " knowing" what you're talking about is literally a matter of perspective when it comes to subjects about the brain, and what's real and not real.

when i say true "mental illness" what i'm actually talking about is people with actual neurological brain disease, i shouldn't have said "true mental illness" and except you to know what i'm saying, so i'll take the L on that.

>There aren't a lot of people with true mental illness now either.
But literally almost all my friends claim to have something like Bipolar or autism, or schizo or w/e, maybe not in your little world it doesn't seem like it's big problem, but it is. I liken the listen "mental illnesses above" to things like being gay or being transgender, it's exploded in the last 10 or so years thanks to social media and music and bull shit like that, again, due to our environment we've created these things, and they can be corrected, what can't be changed shouldn't be changed, just because they're different does't mean it's bad. they're misunderstood, nothing more nothing less.
>NOOOO you can talk to inanimate objectssss
why? whats wrong with that?
>nOOOO you can't think people are spying on you

give me a legit reason as to why it's bad or wrong..?

> You just don't understand those people because you are a sheltered brat, when was the last time you had a conversation with someone homeless? they're normal people who've been pushed down by society. if we created an environment that was healthy it could negate all these "mental illnesses" except the neurological brain disease, which with be akin to something like a literal broken back or leg.

I love when people just confidently assume your life and then use their assumption to try and back up their point. Thats how you can tell an argument is on shaky legs, you start making up stuff and then immediately acting like its fact. I was homeless for 4 years dumb fuck, and i dont care what your mommy and daddy told you LMAO. For some reason you separate “mental illness” with “ neurological brain disease”. They are the same thing buddy. Im sorry it bugs you so much that people with depression get to be categorized like that. You do realize you arguing the minatory right? I wonder how fast you would get your teeth caved in if you held a sign downtown saying “mental illness is not real”. Thank god youll never do that though eh, cant be like, discussing your opinions in public, thats dangerous. Hey maybe mommy and daddy can help you with that too.

By your own admission, it sounds like a lot of this is coming from your friends claiming to have one mental illness, or another. Unless they are actually diagnosed by a doctor, than I can see your skepticism towards their claims. Regardless of your perceptions and perspectives towards mental illness, does not deny their existence. For real, go do some actual research on some of these mental illnesses you have mentioned. Lots of people talk to objects, for instance. But few people have full blown conversations with said objects are believe they are actually hearing replies from them, there is quite a big difference that you are seeming to discount.