Ylyl nigger style

Ylyl nigger style.

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How did she not see this coming

Because she has the IQ of a shitskin?

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I got an 800 and I'm white. Fuck Chinks.

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More like 20 years of white people paid by russian to tell you that liberals want you to be ashamed of being white while they only want poor people to be treated decently

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Sure, cuck. Everything is Russian's fault. Nigger

>20 years of white people paid by a country with a smaller economy than florida
okay retard

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oi vey, nigger Ivan, it’s okay, don’t cry mr. Poopin will give you another 20 dollars.

Twitter is russian ?!?!
Hecking unreal.

True and based. If you can't beat them join them.

>Imagine being such a cuck that deliverativelly admits that foreign poorer countries can actively interfer in your country
Ok cuck. As you say

Literally nobody

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I am sorry my friend, it seems to me that your picture is rather depressing instead of entertaining or funny. Could it be that there was a mix up in your posting?