Greatest movies ever made

greatest movies ever made

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Do they have to be made by us?

Brainwashed pee star

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JP aesthetic is so kino.
Going to throw in Fight Club, just for how many nights I've seen it with groups of friends and enjoyed it.

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This shit in the theater was so loud and awesome.

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anyone who loves Jurassic Park (everyone) should check out the open matte version its cherry. a fan rescan from the original theatrical reels
on public trackers as Jurassic Park 1993 35mm open matte 1080p x265

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This. Joker. I know people say it's an incel movie but if you really watch it unbiased, it is beyond striking. The most shocking and well written movie in the last decade, at least. The incredible social and political commentary is divine. In top ten best movies of all time IMO.

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or what is it called?

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soundtrack and visuals make the film

if writing was a little better would prob be the best movie ever imo

Music is such an indispensable element of cinema, truly moving and hugely part of the emotion

American history X

But only the first half

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Often overlooked.

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