Why am I not allowed to be a loser? I don't want to be a millionaire, own a company, have a family...

Why am I not allowed to be a loser? I don't want to be a millionaire, own a company, have a family. I just want to work an alright job for alright pay and spend my days off playing videogames and getting high in my cheap apartment. Why do I have to try so hard in life just to end up another unhappy middle class faggot, alone in a big empty house.

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You ARE allowed to be whatever you want. Who cares what others think of you if you're dead-set on being alone anyway?

Stupid fucking thread

You don't have to follow the path of apollo, you can fly with dionesies ok.

Government brainwash program selected you based on a complicated criteria including IQ social strengths family etc. All our lives have been scripted since our early teens IMO

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you can do whatever you want.
even cum in your own mouth

Mediocrity wont make you happy user. I used to think like you and I regret all those years I wasted my potential not trying to be better.

Time is the one thing money can't buy.

The government discourages apathy, OP, because you're an investment. Public schooling was designed with two things in mind - get you into a profession that earns enough to pay serious tax to your government, and spend the remainder of what you earn on consumer goods that keep the capitalist machine rolling.

That you're doing neither of these, OP, is a red flag that's heavily frowned upon. Your classmates have been schooled in how to shame you until you begin to comply. As have your family, your friends and your peers.

What you do with this information is entirely up to you.

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Buy satanic money, then u can do it

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>Why am I not allowed to be a loser?
I hope this is some fucked up bate but god damn. Is this a real question? Why would anyone tolerate this behavior? You already are a loser. Do you realize your shit attitude and your miserable life brings down everyone around you. My guess your here bitching becuase your tired of feeling shame and disappointment from your friends and family. What a waste. Nobody ever said you have to have a business or be a millionaire. Never having any goals in life just means you contribute nothing to society ultimately. Not having some sort of career or education means you always going to be a broke slob scraping by.

user stop being such a piece of shit. You should be ashamed of yourself for having setting such a low bar for yourself. Truly, your life itself gives me a genuine sense of malaise and I hope you will decide to stop being such a fucking moron one day. Please go fuck yourself you fucking loser.

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Stop projecting, user.

>Do you realize your shit attitude and your miserable life brings down everyone around you.

Then, by that logic, he's doing mostly good for the world.

Better than torturing kids or sex-slaving police jobs.

A NEET is better.

OP,....I'm sorry man but.... just do it. Just buy the satanic money. There's nothing more you can do....realisticaly, speaking

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Literally no body cares about you or what you do with youre shitty life. Less than a percent of a percent of the human populace. You could kill yourself right now and no one would notice.

obvious phase one psyop is obvious
nice try, shills

Only wanting enough doesn’t make you a loser. But you don’t get to mindlessly live your life anymore either.

People mindlessly trusting their employers to respect their lives and time have gotten us to where you have to overachieve just to maybe be granted enough for comfort.

There was never a time to not reflect on your livelihood. If we can collectively stop shopping and stop going to work, we’d gradually get more for our efforts.

I'm a girl btw

tits or gtfo out op

No I'm not, you're a faggot though
t. OP

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show me them titties you stupid sloot

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who cares as long as you're happy. some people aren't satisfied with the bare minimum and want to make something of themselves, while others are completely content with where their at.
there's nothing wrong with either of these situations.

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