Why was it so easy for Putin to infiltrate the GOP?

Why was it so easy for Putin to infiltrate the GOP?

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why do you think op?

how do you feel about the question you asked? let us know.

you can't just go asking questions into the void, you know, without giving a part of yourself.

ask your moms bf

Because he's got the guy who can sell anything to idiots

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here is the faggot starting the reply with, "because.....blah blah blah"

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OP, what are you running from.

Trumptards are testy tonight. Must be tough realizing the libs were right all along

What's got your panties in a twist, OP? It's okay, this is an anonymous space, no one can punish you here for saying the wrong thing.

Because right wingers want our country to be ran the same way Putin runs his country?

not an argument

Because they suck down any lie that fellates their worldviews, so all you have to do is tell them what they want to hear and you can lead them anywhere.

Would be an improvement tbh, at least homosexuals would be legally forbidden from grooming kids.

here is the faggot starting the reply with, "because.....blah blah blah"

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Gee idk, maybe just the fact that half of my country wants to turn us into a dictatorship all because “muh trannies”.

here is the faggot starting the reply with, "because.....blah blah blah"

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Liberals are a cancer that needs to be violently cut out.

Because America is a shadow of its former self and there's a big chunk of the country that will hang onto any tiny sliver of hope.
Hope is the worst drug of all.

You stop and consider these people have legitimate fears and anxieties over the future of society that transcend simply "muh trannies."

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Because republicans are retarded and secretly smell the toilet bowl after dropping a load of Trump's cum from their ass

here is the faggot starting the reply with, "because.....blah blah blah"

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1/2 faggots who don't want to work, 1/2 trying. Yeah country will tend to decline. Also, faggot.

here is the faggot starting the reply with, "because.....blah blah blah"

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>Why was it so easy for Putin to infiltrate the GOP?
look how easily MSM infiltrated you

republican voters are called "low information voters" because they don't value facts and data over their feewings. this may surprise you. "b-b-but are duh demonrats duh snowfwakes dat have their fee fees hurt all the time?" you may say. no, in fact republican voters constantly accuse their made up enemies of doing precisely the things they want to do. without fail if you hear a republican complain that "duh demoncrats do this and it is soooo bad", you will find at the first opportunity a republican is dying to do "this"and do it a lot.


Conservatism is antithetical to the way the world works. As we progress, more of there bullshit is exposed as infantile. Right now, the heart of the conservative hates women's rights, hates gay rights, doesn't believe in climate change, still believes in trickle down economics, still believe in Jesus (like he wouldn't be disgusted by them), they hate education without fairy tales, and they hate science which doesn't cater to them.

The reason conservatives are become Q-tards is simple. Without a massive delusion, conservatism in the 21st century doesn't work. There are no reasonable conservatives, we call those people centrist liberals.

>conservatism in the 21st century doesn't work.
Sounds like a 21st century problem, conservatism worked just fine for my grandpa and it works for me. For every step you take into the progressive future I'll drag us a step back because I just don't want to go and you can't make me.

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