Why do SJWs hate mexicans

Why do SJWs hate mexicans.

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Because they won't just roll over and accept their bullshit made up term for them, latinx

Never forget

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Why do these mentally ill people start shit over anything? Are they that empty inside they need chaos to fill their void?

Nothing makes me laugh quite like when some braindead virtue-signaler tries to use "latinx" and every latino, spaniard, mexican, etc just collectively rushes in to dogpile on them for being so retarded

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it looks more sharp anyways
i get thats not why they changed it but the sombrero pic look way blury

>it's real

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Mexicans actually work jobs that contribute to society and they don't want to be showed up

Yeah, now that fags are in power it’s no longer cool to complain. Even though you were definitely THAT GUY that always defended the fags complaining before…

Because more then anything they hate themselves the most and refuse to change. So they try to change everything else to be like them.

was this before or after the release?
like, are there 2 versions of physical game?

Woke SJWs are the real racists

They made the change before release, he was only on the E3 preview boxart.

Yeah you can't even defend the LGBTQ, they'll find a way around your argument no matter how sympathetic and related to what their bitching and moaning articles are about.

They resist control.
They hate most Asians too.

I remember this one time I was agreeing on how men do have predator intentions toward women regardless of age in bars and clubs, altho its not most mens fault that may potentially land on a minor who has just as bad intentions to frame men and such and the other way around and had this bitch get all over my face as if I were the predator hunting for teenagers in bars and defending men who do this.

well it's a positive stereotype, of course mexicans like it
it hides the reality of their cartel infested shithole

>be a man
>agree with an SJW that men are predators
>wonder why the SJW treats you like a predator
You're as retarded as they are.

Just looked it up, the thread creator is a UI/UX developer. I think she has some things to say about Elden Ring kek

Are they the real racists because they can't help it?
Am I not a real racist because I chose it? Man...

Oh damn, that is one magical sombrero

>altho its not most mens fault that may potentially land on a minor who has just as bad intentions to frame men and such and the other way around
>this bitch get all over my face as if I were the predator hunting for teenagers in bars and defending men who do this.
No wonder why she mad, you just did victim blaming perpetuating rape culture

Communists thrive on division through unity. And in unity, no one is allowed to have any differences. To prove this, ask a commie is it okay for a race to deny them from their culture (ex: is it okay for a black person to rob your family for the sake of equality?)

*and normalize rape culture

it's called LatinX Mario chud

Technically we're all racist, but racist deniers cause more damage than real ones (example: saying it's okay for two races that hate each other or dont have anything relatable to mix).

orale k chido el mario bros anda en sombrero

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No, they don't
They hate cultural appropriation
Reminder, Misrepresenting something increases ignorance concerning that thing, which is a harm upon the people being misled and furthermore increases the labor of those who must then educate ignorant people.

Yeah I love it.

This reminds me of that time that Riot changed from Mafia Graves to gangster Graves cause they said people complained that Italians found it offensive. There was an entire thread around it. Came to find out that italians actually loved it and they criticized Riot for that decision. Then we came to further find out that no Riot of Italy exists. So they pathologically lied to make it seem like there was outrage behind it. Never trust these sjw faggots.

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Sombrero Mario's on the back

And yet, sjws happily still play Mario games. Despite Mario being a stereotypical Italian stereotype, created by non-Italian asians. How ironic.

At that point, I don't see what difference does it make if Mario wears a sombrero or not, since he's already a "cultural appropriation" of italian caricatures.

Why do spanish tards get so offended

That thing isnt spanish. She's a west coast liberal who grew up in a privileged white family.

Fair enough
But cultural appropriation is a philosophically incoherent concept. An ethnic/racial group cannot own something for it to be appropriated. And the worry that a group doing the appropriating does not understand the thing in question could also go for the group being "stolen" from.

Cultures freely borrow from one another and create depictions of one another, and this is probably not only fine but impossible to stop even if we wanted to. The issue is that different cultures in the modern world have differing access to the means of cultural production as it were. Big movie studios catering to the mainstream culture can basically do whatever they want and depict whomever they want, so long as it fits the tastes of the mainstream culture and thus is profitable. Tiny minority cultures on the other hand control no massive movie studios and nobody caters to their tastes. Their desires for representation in media are immaterial to the mainstream culture sort of by definition - if they did have control of the media, they wouldn't be a minority culture. Add into this the fact that every aspect of human existence and social relations is permeated by the recent history of colonial domination and subjugation and you can see why there might be a 'yikes' or two lurking somewhere in the ways that we, as the mainstream culture, produce and consume media and culture.

They don't hate mexicans. They just get off to telling people what to do, regardless of what those people actually want

Being fair Cartel shit in mexico is like fed behavior in america.
They're also bedfellows.

Holy shit. Holy fucking shit. It never ends.


everyone is so fucking fragile now lmao

Didn't White Americans decide to speak for the entire Mexican race and ban Speedy Gonzalez, only for them to literally tell them to fuck off because they loved him?

Whites are racist, it really doesn't matter what they do, they all think they're superior at their core.

They see SJW's behind the curtains.

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>Whites are racist

Is because japanese loves to copy western culture's blatant colonialist views of other cultures as "fascinating stories to play with" rather than taking them seriously or respecting them. nothing new under the sun

who cares though? it IS entertainment and not education after all.

it goes way further back than that, just look at speedy gonzales.
SJWs hate mexicans because they can't control them, but that'll never stop them from trying

absolute retard. if you want to really be fair you can say the cartel is partly a symptom of america's love for drugs but comparing feds to the fucking cartel makes you a drooling ape. kill yourself or never express your opinions again

Look buddy I'm not discriminatory, I see a national level criminal organization and I call it like I sees it.

>We love seeing our culture in media, pandeja!
I kek'd.


>who cares though?
there's this small tribe. They have a few symbols that have survived the era of colonialism with them. These symbols had, at some point, deep religious and cultural significance, but nowadays, this group mostly uses these symbols as a kind of in-group identifier, a signal to one another that they still exist and have a definable identity in the cultural sphere. Suppose now that these symbols become super trendy in the mainstream culture. The meaning of these symbols is completely lost, because the mainstream doesn't give a shit about the original meaning - after all, this is just clothing and hairstyles and jewelry and other shallow stuff like that, right? So it's fine. Maybe some of the usage of the symbols is meant to be positive homage. Maybe some of it is unintentionally derogatory, recalling racist stereotypes from the colonial past. Either way, the result is the same - the ability of the original group to exist in the cultural sphere is completely destroyed. Their symbols have been taken and imbued with new meaning by the mainstream culture, and the small minority has no ability to compete in the 'war of meaning' that ensues. You can tell people "hey that symbol actually means xyz," as many times as you want but if it's being printed on thousands of hairbands every minute or it appears a in a Disney film where it just signifies the villain or whatever, then you're screwed. You can never win - you don't have the same access to the means of cultural production. This is why some people think we should have a bit of a think about cultural appropriation, especially when the victim is a group that was historically oppressed.

I dont know user I still think theres a difference between putting a sombrero or afro in your game and what youre describing

>all those tendies who non-stop claiming that Nintendo doesn't censor themselves, despite doing so as far back as OoT on the N64 and with SquareSoft plus MortalKombat, which was on of the founding reasons SEGA existed in the first place

Wow, who could have seen this coming

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They were always a family friendly company. The gender thing seems the doing of the American side.


Colonialism is good and the natives were literal savages who ate eachother

Clearly yall are mentally ill to prove me right.

invented shit term invented because only they want ot play racist on their shit sandbox

Theres a shitload of media about cartels though and no one ever complains. It's not like we're banding together for cartel representation but it exists and none of us care when its covered, see Breaking Bad and Narcos

How is a sombrero misrepresentation?
They don't have those in mexico?

Either way, the game is fucking boring.

one time i saw a video of a guy driving down an american road and it took like 5 minutes and the entire footpath was filled with homeless drug addicts, is mexico worse than this?

Well makes sense beaners love the mariachi stereotype. Right now it beats the headless narco stereotype. I would take the mariachi stereotype anyday.

Men and their deniability

It wasn't SJWs, it was Spaniards.

So this is just an argument for cultural conservatism essentially. Trying to stop cultural meanings from changing is like trying to stop language from changing. It's a fool's errand.

Stay mad

Actual Mexicans don't give a fuck Murica's Social Politcs so I don't see why SJW should get all uppity when the people they claim to defend don't even remotely care.

rent free

The LatinX'es must be protected from having their feebly fucking feelings hurt. They WILL crumple into the fetal position over this.
Erase all LatinX representation just to be safe.

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Any one else remember when the Guaccamelee developer got raked over the coals for making a "racist" game only for the lead to come out and say he is actually latino


Stop bringing this up please.

My cousin is one of the tweets.

>tfw you will never been an eilandbewoonster

speedreader-kun I...

Estás pinché gringos took away Speedy Gonzales

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baia baia hdspm

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>now we'll never get paletas vendor Luigi

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Where're Italian and Russian?

yo agüero uno de sonic

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aquí esta

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