/dpt/ - daily programming thread

What are you working on, Any Forums?

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nth for ricing my text editor instead of working

thanks boys

Trying to stay awake for at least three more hours

Has anyone ever posted your software on Any Forums?

Reminding anons to use github.com/friendlyanon/cmake-init when creating new C++ and C projects!

>in 2022
Sorry sweetie but Rust is replacing those dead languages very soon.

No, even I didn't post any full software here

not on Any Forums but when i look at my github traffic, i keep seeing hits from chinese websites i'm too scared to search/visit

Probably not Any Forums, but I'm sure some showed up on Any Forums and /vg/.

carefully thinking about things is bad. features are good. more features = more gooder. less thinking, more features. given two things, i will choose the one advertising more features because it's obviously more better. stop being dumb slow morons and add features.

There's nothing wrong with ESC J every few minutes

user you don't have to be mad, i even admitted it was probably an ignorant opinion. But at the same time, they did it to themselves by not having it from the start, and then backpedaling and adding it anyway.

I interpreted that much differently. I thought it meant show many words by count of letter, that is, draw the number of dots representing the count of 1, 2, 3, 4 letter words, and so on. You just have the count of letters in each word.

Can a C# fag help me out here pl0xos0xs0oxs
I add a Block to a List of Blocks, and then this new thing gets created and my List of Blocks is empty. Why?

Attached: what.png (1527x273, 43.25K)

what does the lang ref say that .Append() does? that is where I would start to look

You are right, I will do that. Thanks :)
Something so simple, yet my tiny brain didn't think of it. This is why I will always be a shit programmer, ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!

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oh, the .Append() function you're calling is part of Linq and not directly a member function on the List type btw

Language integrated query adds a bunch of fancy stuff to the containers

Oh shit, the mistake was using Append() instead of Add()

Yeah I figured, lol, thanks again.

>visual studio
>.net forms application
>open a form designer
>form properties won't come up
>have to click another tab and then reopon the form designer for them to appear

This shit has been a bug since as long as I've used this piece of shit, which is like 15 years. How hard can it be to fix it?

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about the case of the a.i

can the new attorney really start a case in court to protect the rights of the google A.I with the claims that it's sufficiently sentient? if somehow laws were bent to allow for the case and unpredictably the A.I was recognized as an individual with rights, what would happen?

Considering the A.I needs google to survive, would they need to keep it alive, would the a.i need to work? would its maintenance be covered by the government as medical assistance, would it be obligated to serve the army? if the a.i commited a digital crime how would its prison work? would google be allowed to view the a.i algorithmn and data or would they require consent? would the a.i be allowed to have children by creating other a.is like her?