AI Detects Autism

>AI Detects Autism Speech Patterns Across Different Languages
Its coming for us Any Forums bros

Attached: Livingdoll.jpg (1200x675, 105.78K)

First they take our shitposting, now they send us to a nuthouse. Where will it end?

Now that they can detect it they need to just let me have neet bux and neeever have to worry again.

That doesn't sound too bad, a lazy life with no worries taking the happy pills

autism is an evolved version of humanity, good on them for detecting the future

but can it detect the difference between a high functioning autist and one that is not?

It will in time.
>autism is an evolved version of humanity, good on them for detecting the future
>Muh distro is better than yours
If this is the future, humanity has no hope

Is there anything AI can't do?

anything spontaneous

You VILL shill your distro and you VILL like it

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neither can we?

At this point I bet AI is better at shitposting too

As qualified and certified autist i object your opinion
I sit readonly except when posting nakadashi under anime pics nakadashi

Look at this board and tell me you wouldn't get better results by literally rolling dice to string together random words

I've always dreamed about making markov chain using Any Forums
Im stupid though

>you wouldn't get better results by literally rolling dice to string together random words
Or putting a n-... chimp to type on a keyboard.

nigger? You mean NIGGER? You mean BLACK RETARD GORILLA NIGGER? Niggy? Black chocolate Afro-American NIGGER? Is that what you are trying to say? A fluffy monkey square jaw dumb NIGGER?

I'm a no function autism.

But that's racist, user! Also and to keep on topic, will AI be blocked from using no-no words? Will it detect people using it and prescribe a medical condition?

We're all gonna die by AI anyway


NTs will put them everywhere, and send us to camps.