What now, Any Forums?

what now, Any Forums?

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anyone still using this shit?

>100 bucks a year

well, it is over

Is it any good?

theyre making it paid wtf?

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>all those söydevs that beta-tested the program that'll replace them
Press S to spit on their graves

I would actually pay to be able to host the models on my own server

been in the beta for ~2 months and its great
lots of times it can fill in the whole function just from the name and parameters, especially useful for tests

Id pay for it just to write unit tests where 100 things have to be mocked and overriden. Doubt it could.

That's GPT, isn't it?

yeah, they took GPT-3 and continued to train it on code afaik

>VS Code, Visual Studio, Neovim and JetBrains
Lol no Emacs

Pajeets will stay out of job

who the fuck actually uses emacs for anything productive lmao

Me, a few months ago. I switched to Vim since then.

Companies will pay for Pajeets to get access

Not paying to optimise someone else's code. It's harder to check this shit for any bugs.

You'll be relegated to bug checker.

$100/y (aka $9/mo) is small cost for any enterprises that want to do ai-paired shit

but i would not be so scared of copilot replacing actual humans, it would just make some lifes easier because you could have copilot creating initial shit and then optimize that yourself, [maybe]saving some time

>they make a AI that steals free and open source software
>you have to paid to use it
Clown world

>put copyleft code through AI
>becomes new and original code

you also agree to upload all code in the project you're currently working on for context. So not only are you paying for it, you're also giving them your source code.

TabNine is way better

disagree, I tried copilot and it was way better

>using proprietary software
>PAYING for using it
lmao you guys deserve everything, not to mention 100$ a year lol.