Why do people drink booze? It tastes like shit, makes you feel like shit...

Why do people drink booze? It tastes like shit, makes you feel like shit, and turns you into a target to be robbed or raped.

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Why do people drink booze
For me, I like to drink socially as it loosens me up a bit, so to speak. It sort of takes some of your social barriers down, and for me, makes it easier to talk to people. It doesn't have the same effect on everyone, if it doesn't do that for you, or you don't need it to be outgoing, then that's great. But for me, it helps.

>It tastes like shit
Subjective, in my opinion, quite a lot of drinks taste quite nice.

>makes you feel like shit
Only really true if you have too much. If you drink enough to feel 'tipsy', you won't feel sick but will just feel slightly euphoric.

>turns you into a target to be robbed or raped
Also only really true if you have too much, and/or drink somewhere unsafe. You probably shouldn't get drunk with people or somewhere you don't feel safe to be drunk around.

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It's good small quantities, acquiring taste , and a little crave like a cold drink on a hot summer day. Or horny in penis

You sound pretty familiar with the taste of shit?

Alcoholic here, I drink more often by myself at home, sad yes, but for years I drank to simply go to sleep otherwise Id be up until 2 am every night doing dumb shit and be tired as shit at work the next day. It was pretty counterproductive and didn't work and now I can't stop or rather don't have the will to, its all very depressing. On a lighter note I may end up just dying from liver failure by 40 and can hold my own at a bar pretty well making it easier to pick up drunk chicks, dating them is not recommended, they always have as much if not more baggage than myself.

Mixture of curiosity, peer pressure and establishing your adulthood.

Soon as you're a legal adult you wanna try out all the things you were told you were too young to do. Drinking is one of those things.

It also helps with social anxiety to an extent and allows people to engage physically without as many hang ups.

Personally I drank too much when I was younger and didn't like who it was making me become so I stopped. I've not missed out on anything. Still went to parties and made sure mates got home safe. Plus it helps you not make a total cunt out of yourself. Luckily I'm an oldfag and the share to social media shit wasn't around like it is today.

Same here, drunk chicks are cool for a few fucks but they never last. That being said I am currently drinking myself to a hangover tomorrow. Cheers!

based facts

It tastes good, you just still have a childs palate and/or are drinking cheap shit. It makes you feel shit if you drink past your limit, drink on an empty stomach (unless you're seasoned) or mix it with other shit that will amplify it, up till that point absolute bliss. It'll turn you into a target if you're completely hammered and in a bad situation or area, don't get fucked up in sketchy/dangerous places or with people you don't know or trust, it's really not that hard.

Source : I'm an alcoholic

>It tastes like shit,
Some of it tastes quite nice actually.

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It used to help me socialize, now I need it or I get withdrawals. I hate it, don't do it (regularly).

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because i'm depressed and thirsty. grow up.

>Why do people drink booze?
Because they like it, and have for millennia

In addition:
>It tastes like shit to me
>Makes me feel like shit
>Turns me into a target to be robbed or raped because I have no self-control
FTFY - subjective opinion is not a fact

Statistically you're more likely to survive a car crash drunk rather than sober. checkmate retard

bot thread

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I was thinking wtf too

Also how did she become white?

Tell me you're a pathetic loser who never went out to socialize with another human being without telling me you're a pathetic loser who never went out to socialize with another human being.

So what would the point be? It's hardly a controversial topic. Just curious why anyone would go to the trouble of creating such an anodyne bot topic

Social gatherings are shit and boring, but if you don't attend regularly you'll lose all your friends because they care about this shit.

So since you don't actually enjoy their company the shitty loud music the obnoxious smug bartender who probably makes 5% of what you make you use mind-altering drugs to not go insane. Since they banned the good shit you have to drink booze that makes you blind and agressive.

Oh and since we're in a Christian country that hates sexual women but wants them as sexual as possible men and women drink before hooking up so they can blame it on the booze. Which is why they forget to use a condom and have to start a family.

Btw, learn to drink. Even if you can stand a night without it, somehow people hate you if you don't try killing your liver.

I hate the way you think. Next time you want to try >booze
Add bleach. It makes it taste better and no terrible hangover the next morning