The battle of Kiev starts in 2 days. Amphibious attack on Odessa imminent. It is over

The battle of Kiev starts in 2 days. Amphibious attack on Odessa imminent. It is over.

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>doesn't even pumpjet

Why have frogs and toads sided with Russia?

you faggots have been saying "its over" for at least two weeks now- what exactly is "over"?

motherfucker it's only just begun

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Why did you post a pic of your butt plug you stupid retarded brainless fag?

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2 more days and the muslim mercenaries surely take kiev

You got two weeks. Then Kiev is out of food and water, because they're surrounded. They will be forced to surrender, or Putin waits on them to starve and dehydrate to death. He also uses less war supplies/equipment that way.

You mf's think war is bang boom pow when you can just go attrition style.

Waiting and doing nothing are two completely different things.

>they're surrounded
No they're not you useless nigger

Source? I want to believe you, I wouldn't mind getting this shit over with.

I would say that would make great toilet paper, but it's not worth that. It can only be burned.

two weeks pal

They will be, then the sieging will begin.

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There is literally no way Russia will lose. The west won't attack cause they're too weak, and they've only dispatched some of their troops from the border.

You guys are fucking retarded nigger-tier idiots

Kyiv won't get surrounded

Ukraine won't surrender

None of that shit is gonna happen qnd you're all wrong because Russia is about to start using chemical weapons to kill civilians. And when that happens, the US is going to start shooting Russia's fighter jets out of the air like flies.

>The full power of Russia
>A post by a westerner
I am convinced.

And you too, idiot. None of that is going to happen.

Once again, the US is going to swoop in and save the day. Even with our dementia-in-chief ruling, we will easily neutralized any and all existing Russian threats threats within Ukraine.

The time for the us to get involved has passed. WW3 will not break out over a poor country like kiev. They're simply not rich enough to matter. No one cares if they hold the most crypto.

Oh, me too? Terrifying! Again, I'm convinced.

Meant for lol

only way Putin will take Kiev is if he razes it to the ground. He will rule over it, but it will be a fucking empty wasteland.