We need to go back to bullying faggots

We need to go back to bullying faggots


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>roles shmoles
How about you lazy faggots somehow entirely deprived of taste actually put effort into creating something aesthetically pleasant?

> faggots craving attention
More news at 9.

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>Fuck gender roles
>Try to imitate the female gender role
>143.8 other trannies an liberal Kool-Aid drinkers like this post

What a fucking retard. He cute enough though, I would fuck.

I mean this guy would probably just be a railroad splatter or a public nuisance if we didn't let him dress up like the world ugliest woman. Whatever keeps him happy and productive.

white women and other trannies

also liberals

Why does this shit make you so mad? Lmao
You know he's just gonna kill himself, right?

Fuck gender roles

Rather fuck ur mom

manlets out in full force, imagine cutting your dick off just so you could wear chick lifts

Why do you care so much?

I dont really give a fuck. But when twitter start shoving shit like this up my ass then we have a problem

Other faggots obviously.

did we ever start? let's face it if anyone could get their ass beat and then nonconsensually used by a faggot it's us we're in prison even when we're not

The mentally ill....

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>when twitter start shoving shit like this up my ass
How? Is it on the fucking front page? Christ I get sick of you dumb bastards.

based user my boipucci is also bbc only

We must bring balance to the force.

I mostly remember him as Shoshon the Elegant. WHITE TIGER KINGDOM, WHITE TIGER KINGDOM!

Its in the "Most popular tweets today"
And the best part is that i cant even get rid of it

>the best part is that i cant even get rid of it
>the best part
Yeah, I'll bet you assclowns just *hate* that.

You really think he's being productive here? Taking up so much financial and social resources? Demanding the time of countless doctors, pharmacists and psychiatrists? Demanding all of western society endlessly validates him? Twisting every legal and business institution to punish anyone who dares hurt his feelings?

>He cute enough though
no he isn't lol

don't worry princess I've got you
you're more of a woman than he'll ever be

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As long as we agree he'd be more productive thrown in front of a train than if he spent 20 more years wearing skirts before he splatters himself anyway.