So Mr user, what would you say is your biggest weakness?

>So Mr user, what would you say is your biggest weakness?

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my crippling meth addiction causing me to have days of downtime in a row

I work too hard and my personal life suffers from it

I'm a coomer

Im a zoomer so I only work in short bursts of hyperproductivity before getting bored

>My biggest weakness? When photographed in a group of 3 or more people I turn into an hideously unattractive monster, even when paired with a black person and ginger

My biggest weakness is having little patience for stupid questions. Interview's over, do not contact me again.

ginger boys. oh, you mean professionally, haha.. sorry.. wow i'm so embarrassed. that should have been obvious i suppose. i mean, well.. i tend to take charge of projects a bit too aggressively to make sure i and others are accountable for all the deliverables, you know? i'm really good at being in charge. especially if you like being directed, you know???


Based, gonna pull that one in my next interview.

I kind of lazy

I have a crippling addiction to Any Forums. I WILL browse Any Forums at work, I WILL waste time looking at threads that I've already seen 50 times before, and I WILL look at big tittied girls posted in the threads. Sir

My biggest weakness is that I'm a straight white male and will add nothing to the diversity of your company.

I'm a cishet white male. I'm so sorry about it but several doctors have told me that nothing can be done. I make up for it by being as productive as 10-20 non-whites so it won't cut into your diversity quota as bad.

You score a zero on Blizzard's diversity index.

im trans btw

My prostate. Whenever a woman dares reach in and pushes it, I go weak at the knees and cum like a girl

the only right answer

it would be.more honourable for me to shave my beard than to expose my weaknesses without a sword fight.

I find it difficult to resist sexually assaulting women in the workplace


job interviews. and im an alcohol who cant stop drinking lmao.

i literally cant stop saying nigger

I just had this question on my last interview and I answered:

“I’ve been doing this for 10 years. At this point in my career, I’ve made a point to rid myself of all previous weaknesses that have affected me professionally. If there’s something I don’t know, I figure out why I don’t know it and then it never happens again. I don’t have interpersonal problems because I have developed strong empathy and have worked with all types of people. I am not perfect and mistakes will happen, however I don’t have any glaring weaknesses.”

The HR bitch was beautiful and intimidating, she made me very nervous, but I just imagined drilling her throat with my cock the whole time and it relaxed me. Also, I got the job.

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I'm lazy, always late and never put work in the first place