How do I steal gas without getting caught?

How do I steal gas without getting caught?
I can steal food, clothes, even propane tanks. But stealing gasoline is impossible.

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I can't imagine very many gas stations in this country that aren't pre-pay or pay at the pump. So siphoning it from other cars is your only option. But we're all going to be struggling.... Don't steal.

Plan on going somewhere?

Recently car dealerships have been emptying tanks so they need to fill it before the test drive because people have been siphoning tanks.
But uh I’m pretty sure that shitty car dealership everyone lives by has worse gas tank security than any gas station.
But uh for easy gas yea just find back alley parking lot or a dark corner of a parking garage and siphon some gas.

There are tools and methods to getting through the gas locks.

>But stealing gasoline is impossible.
fucking noob. i somehow never got caught for it. maybe its because i knew how bad it looks if i got caught red handed. but it was easy.
just walk up to anyones car parked in their driveway literally anywhere thats dark and siphon it into a gas can. its that easy. i would show you if you down. its fun. good way to pass the time. i used to hit the same place all the time. if you have a sense for it you can tell when the sitch might get dangerous. i have a 100% success rate with it.

Americans are so melodramatic. It's not even that expensive yet.

When in nog land, do as the nogs.
All gas stations have cctv, so wait until nearly empty, rub some mud over plates, fill up, drive away like you be a nigger n sheit.
Wipe mud off plates a mile down the road.

Seems like gas locks have been removed from newer cars. We have 3 cars in my family and none of them have a lock. They are all touch open.

How do you get the pump to turn on? Almost everywhere you have to pre-pay.

Certified pedo

just siphon gas from cars
why would you try to steal from a gas station

OP here. So everyone is in the same mindset. Don't steal from the gas station, but steal from other cars. Makes sense.

Its not impossible if you steal it from other vehicles


Run a prepaid card as credit

just take the cover off the fill hole, it’s on the ground, you’ll need some kind of siphon or pump and a long enough hose to reach down. I drive a tanker.

I’d do it once they’re closed, so nobody sees you, it’s not quite as fast as taking out of some random car, but you can get as much as you want

You have no idea how credit cards work do you?

From old vehicles, it was easy. Most vulnerable are old work-site trucks that aren't diesel. Drive off rarely works because of pre-pay. All the shit kids used to do doesn't work anymore, thus OP's question.

Modern gasoline theft these days concerns people showing up after hours with their own truck and a pump and stealing it out of the ground. I would not be surprised to see a hijacking of a delivery truck.

Just because nobody is there to see you doesn't mean cameras don't exist.

Oh, and there's that. Few people rob banks with guns these days. They use computers instead. I guess it's the same with gas stations.

If gas prices keep going up 100% a week, we'll be seeing some mad max style tanker truck hi jacking.

Or some fucking bikes.

It should go without saying that any crime would include the obscuring of one’s face and license plate. You clearly don’t do much crime, faggot.

We just want the fuel. Just walk away.

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just join blm

If that's the case, then everyone who is wearing a mask is a criminal. Fuck covid, no more mask mandates.

A little late to be asking that now, Vladimir.

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That's how you get abducted by glow niggers in an unmarked van

You can't siphon from a tank that is lower than the container you are trying to fill, you'd definitely need some kind of pump

What's with the silly picture you keep posting? :-)



Only niggers and faggots steal and you're a nigger faggot for stealing. I hope some property owner fears for their life and puts one in your head and two in your chest

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Yes. Now answer the question jewfag.

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>US loses 10 percent of it's gas supply
>Gas Prices double

We are getting scammed. I bet the gas industry reports record profits next quarter.