I use MacOS because its is so convenient!

Preinstalled os
Has to use AppleID for app store
Install a working office since apples is terrible
install some borked abortion of a package manager
having to pay money basic functionallity like tiling, minimize all windows and a competent Remote Desktip-client
install hypervisor with Linux kernel to manage CI/CD with docker
No usable terminal applications included
Python language is a mismatch of multiple versions since macos dont follow standards
No SFTP, X11, RDP or SSH key-exchang included.
Cryptic weird hidden features that you have to find on the internet to use them aka google "Princscreen on mac" for the 1000th time.
Uses the objectively worst verison of the Adobe suite since the OS lacks CUDA support.
Weird broken versions of multiple FOSS projects like Python, Samba and VNC that Apple refuse to show.

Mac, the square peg for every round hole

Attached: macUser.jpg (500x756, 113.5K)

Other urls found in this thread:


The hardware is trash too
The screens crack and the keyboards are hard as flat plastic

Their keyboards where potentially criminally bad...

What is even a point of this thread?

Attached: 1611583180440.jpg (383x383, 28.2K)

saving this board from faggots

Stay mad, poorfag.

>actual arguments that affect most users
>"Stay mad, poorfag."
really shows the userbase of apple products

yeah thats the point.
you aint gonna get rich with a mac if you cant get anything done on it lmao

>muh apple minimalism
>more fucking steps and daisy chaining shit to work then windows users have to go through

I dont know why any one uses these pieces of shit, I thought their video editing software was maybe a reason then found out its over rated and theres shit on linux and windows thats just as good

I dont know why people code on it other then company's set it up so retards cant fuck it up

maybe theres audio software for music, idk I dont know shit about it

worst gaming platform

I dont know why this shit is used by businesses, or why any one buys it out side of having money to spend on looking at porn with out getting virus with out putting in effort

If you’re going to samefag, at least put in some effort.

This is just embarrassing.

>ur using it ronnnnnnngggggg
>omagad im sooo triggered rayt nowwww yu bigot

everytime i see a person talking to a phone they hold perpendicular to their face
i know they use an iphone

you wish

truth is:
you are a technologically illiterate fanboi.


>shit bait from coping poorfags
I really don't know what you expected, Linuxtroon.

the only strictly tool-oriented apps ive installed that really ought to have been included with the base installation are linear mouse and macs fan controls. homebrew is useless and bloat

>homebrew is useless and bloat

Attached: fb6.jpg (613x531, 48.1K)

>install guix on new machine
>reconfigure it with my custom config file
>the operating system rebuilds itself to my personal specifications
>can get up and leave the computer and come back after 30 minutes and everything has been completely customized how i want and works flawlessly
just linux things

I really hate Finder
I hate to use key combination with mouse
I hate not to cut

>I use MacOS
found your problem

>I use MacOS

>some autistic nerdy shit is "basic functionality"
ngmi honey *sips latte*

I've used Windows, Linux Mint, and Macs for work. I like Mac the most