Takes weeks to fully learn

> Takes weeks to fully learn
> Millisecond gains in productivity
> Still a worse workflow than IDEs
It seems I have yet again fallen for a meme

Attached: vim.png (1200x1202, 106.14K)

>>Takes weeks to fully learn
>>Millisecond gains in productivity
>>Still a worse workflow than IDEs
OP is a faggot, more at 11.

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I only went four chapters into vimtutor and vim is immeasurably better than nano

vim bindings in an IDE is where it is at for coding. Vim for eiditng system files and other random files, IDE with vim extension for coding projects.
I tried making Vim (neovim) into a full IDE, but it just doesn't work. But I can't use anything else than vim bindings, so VSCode + vim extension is perfect for coding for me.

> Takes weeks to fully learn
> Millisecond gains in productivity
Atleast 20% for me. MUCH more for some niche use cases
> Still a worse workflow than IDEs
No. You've got to be a homosexual to really appreciate the IDE workflow
>It seems I have yet again fallen for a meme

now switch to doom emacs like the rest of us have

Just wondering but what did the IDE provide that you couldn't get from Vim?

Ikc Vim feels nice to use and thats all I need.

Today I deleted a full chapter of a book I've written because I was writing latex on vim on i3 on the keyboard of a t440 which I am not fully used to and it was not configured on i3. I truly fell for all g memes, I lose at least an hour of my day everyday because of foss. Thanks for reading my blog

Tabs, file system, terminals in one sensible layout OOTB. Themes are easy to install, extensions as well.
You could probably cobble something together that is just as good, but I can't be bothered, VSCode is good, it does what I want. I care about the Vim-way-of-doing-things, not Vim itself

>file system
Just use Spacevim if you can't be bothered to configure it all on your own user

>I think i am very smart but i am not smart enough to program
>HOWEVER i configured vim myself so I can prove how i am a leet genius
M8o the best programmer to ever live used a glorified notepad with window splitting and text you could middle click on to run as a shell command

Vi-style keybindings are placebo, and I say this as someone who used Vim for over 5 years as her main editor.

You may personally find them more comfortable, but you are deluded if you think it's going to make a significant difference in """productivity""" compared to another command scheme.

I personally ended up switching to emacs with the keybinds swapped around to be more in line with standard programs (like ctrl+s to save and ctrl+w to close a frame or window)

Once in a blue moon I wish "gee, I wish I could delete the contents of these brackets slightly faster" but the amount of time you lose mode switching far exceeds those savings.

you're almost there
use doom emacs instead of plain vim
and turn on auto save mode if you don't regularly save

u is undo.

I fail to see your point?
The guy says he likes the vim-way-of-doing-things but can't be fucked to deal with setting it up so I gave him an alternative.
Why would anyone sperg out about it is beyond me.

>It seems I have yet again fallen for a meme
Not everything is a "meme" desperately looking for you to fall for it. Most of the time it's just you being inept and lacking the self-awareness required to finally realize that you're nowhere near as intelligent as you think.

Attached: consider.png (1280x720, 275.94K)

Is anybody really surprised that the majority of Any Forums got filtered by vimtutor?

The only acceptable use for vi is when it's the only editor installed on whatever terminal you have to work on
If you actively build skill at it when you could be using something like VSCode you are retarded


*considerable losses in productivity because modal editing is fit only for teletypes
but normies don't know how to use it so it's kewl!!!

nice bait

The ":" was misplaced on the keyboard, when I went to type :wq somehow something got in the way and deleted everything, I only saw when I opened the file again

kek, found one