I just love how magatards and trumpanzees are now defending Putin

I just love how magatards and trumpanzees are now defending Putin.

You know what? When Xi Jinping tries to annex Taiwan, these same trumptards will defend China.

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>Y u no support war
is this NPC in action?

Nobody but trolls defend Putin and nobody but virtue signaling know nothings pretend to care about Ukraine.

Yes, I will. Taiwan is a province of China.

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>nobody but virtue signaling know nothings pretend to care about Ukraine
1. Anyone with a capacity for empathy cares about innocent people being slaughtered.
2. Any reasonable person cares about the war in Ukraine because it could easily spread and eventually become WWIII

Stop being an edgelord. It greatly diminishes your capacity for critical thinking and basic human decency.

>basic human decency.
I'm so tired of you homosexuals, you have no idea. Please fuck off and die.

Oh please like you know the ramifications of this at all get a fucking grip shut your trap for a minute

Yes, basic human decency, as in being staunchly opposed to a brutal assault on a sovereign country.

If you can watch videos of dead families on the street who were bombed trying to escape their home and not feel anything, there's something genuinely wrong with you.

What happened to Americans? Kings, dictators and tyrants used to be scared of them.

These days, kings, dictators, and tyrants can count on support from American republicans and trump supporters.

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>Oh please like you know the ramifications of this
It doesn't take an expert military analyst to figure out that this could escalate to WWIII with just one missile or chemical weapon or airspace ban.

But yeah, I get it, you're super duper tuff and stuff.

Nobody is saying that doesn't suck.


Lost Vietnam and Russia invaded Afghanistan
Lost Afghanistan and Russia invaded Ukraine

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I bet you did your own research, huh? You're not one of those brainwashed NPCs. Pol memes, twitter, and right wing media know better what's up.

Well then you need to choose your words a lot more carefully. Because when you say, "only virtue signaling know nothings care about Ukraine", it sure seems like you don't give a shit.

You are correct- they tried to hang one of their own (Pence) just because Trump was pissed he wouldn't try to overturn the elections. This is truly amazing when you think about it.

It seems like the majority of Republicans prefer being in a cult rather than an actual political party that cares about policy issues and the American people.

Yes! Oppressive dictators and governments are great!

Pro Putin
Pro Xi Jinping
Pro Trump

I can watch American homosexuals gloating over dead Russian corpses on social media all day long.

I think it's a vocal minority of Republicans.
Majority of Republicans are ordinary decent Americans who don't want to kill babies

It so brave and stunning that this NPC lacks the balls to post this in ?pol? where they/them/ze/zir knows they will get decimated...

Any Forums is shit with its flags and trips

>My friends in Any Forums will decimate you by showing you how great and correct dictators are. Putin is right to band instagram, facebook, and twitter. They were just globohomo media anyway. Gotta do your own research.

No we will blame Biden again its ultimately his fault

Lol you stirred up the Murdoch NPCs.

>Majority of Republicans are ordinary decent Americans who don't want to kill babies
I see you have succinctly identified the problem.

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>1. Anyone with a capacity for empathy cares about innocent people being slaughtered
Nope. Normal, healthy people care only about their close relatives and friends, and care next to nothing about random foreigners.

Brutal assaults on sovereign countries are badass. Alexander kicked ass, Caesar kicked ass, Genghis kicked ass, Tamerlane kicked ass, Qin Shi Huang kicked ass, and you fuck ass because you’re a gay homo.

Kings, dictators, and tyrants are preferable to (((democracy))).

>Living vicariously through strongman while you eat dirt


Fucking based. This is why I come here.

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I’m not vegan so I don’t have to eat dirt to get B12.

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The only good one there is Alexander, the Persians had it coming to them and Alexander established lasting peace.
Putin will not establish a lasting peace if Ukraine were to be conquered outright, which is in any case unlikely.

Lol you just eat dirt for pleasure instead

It's right to feel bad about injustice

Leader of the Western communities
Whatever US says, goes for the world

Cope and seethe

>and Alexander established lasting peace
What the fuck are you talking about? Alexander died on the way back from India and his empire immediately collapsed into successor states ruled by his friends and generals called the Diadocho, and they promptly went to war over eachother for territory until all were destroyed by Rome and the Parthians. Fucking awesome time period.

How does this work in your smooth brain?

There’s nothing unjust about glorious conquest.

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Taiwan is, literally speaking, technically the Chinese Republican government occupying Chinese territory which the PRC also has a legal claim to.

so now "based" means "retarded"?

You're confusing yourself.