Daily reminder that the world is not flat, regardless of how cool the person is who tries to convince you otherwise

daily reminder that the world is not flat, regardless of how cool the person is who tries to convince you otherwise.

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the moon is 1/114th the size of the sun but also exactly 1/114th distance making us, the only planet with life on it, the only planet IN INFINITY that has perfect eclipses, and on a pretty steady and predictable schedule it's so perfect
some planets have several moons, like Saturn. Some solar systems have 2 suns, like zeta reticuli. We have one each that are the same perceivable size in the sky
the sun is a glowing ball that always looks the same, the moon is "tidally locked" which means one side is heavier, making it always face earth, also always looks the same all the time
I call bullshit
it's mathematically impossible that all this shit is just so perfect for only us.

google the anthropic principle. It's perfect because if it wasn't we wouldn't be sitting here talking about how perfect it is.

Also the moon is tidally locked because of the given how close it is the gravitational pull on one side is strong enough to act against any rotation

Who cares what people believe. When they die, all their stupid beliefs will die with them.
The living write history, and if you die, you can be erased, along with your retarded ideas.
May the best man win! Be it flat earthers or "normal" people, since i am on the side of science personally.

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everything is too perfect, I still reckon flat earth is cover for something else because so many flat earrh promoters are satanic trannies

>everything is too perfect

If it's not flat, then explain why most Earth maps are not ball shaped.

find one image of a ball earth that isn't a cartoon.

flat Earth is to cover Earth chan's chest
because it's easier to draw on them and put in a book maybe

find one image of a flat earth that isn't a cartoon

The ball earther always deflects when he realizes every picture of earth on google is CGI and photoshop.

The flat earther always deflects when he realizes every picture of flat earth on google is CGI and photoshop.
Pointing out that I used your argument against you is not an argument in itself. Provide evidence of your outlandish theory, as well as mathematical explanations for Eratosthenes' observations of shadows and curvature-of-the-earth observations like this one or go back to your hole, you shitty low-effort troll


nice try, FBI agent.

also, you know very well that:
- an "invasion" requires 100-150k soldiers and thousands of planes; carpet bombing since day one; destroy every infrastructure without caring for civilians, little to no media coverage (just like Syria, Yemen, etc)
- a "special operation" requires a few thousand soldiers, a little number of planes (no need to risk more than needed) and a small number of targets to hit (and it doesn't have any need to attack civilians)

being an FBI guy you know that гocдoлг cшa is $17.6 тpли... and that the USA would really benefit of wars - the bigger the war, the бoльшaя вoйнa, the more the benefit for its financial/industrial/military complex.

as a FBI guy you also know that:
- dem targets were dem fokkin bioweapons labs (US funded, jus like the Wuhan one where "accidentally" the covid was released)
- it's been ten years fokkin thugs like Aзoв guys, worse than nazi, were doing etnical cleansing especially in Donetsk, Lugansk and Crimea
- so-called Russian "propaganda" in July 2014 already knew that any kind of intervention would have been called "aгpeccия" by USrael+NATO
- what to do, плoхoe peшeнкe or oчeнь плoхoe peшeнкe?

Thus any good people will recognize that it was the moment for Putin to order what has to be done.
в гeoпoлитикe нeт мecтa змoчиям.

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>pulls an image from 50 years ago as proof that the earth is a ball

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It's mathematically impossible to project a spherical plane like the earth onto a 2D surface like a book without there being a lot of distortion. But spinning globes exist and are found in all classrooms anyway

humans knew the earth was a ball thousands of years ago before science even existed. They just used their brains and logic

You mean they believed really hard?

>before science even existed
what the fuck does this mean
yeah, 50 years ago, where photoshop and CGI couldn't have manipulated it to seem such. Interesting, huh?

>photorealistic painting

They cover up so much like the giants and mountain ranges with biological markers, maybe hollow earth, enclosed earth, quarry earth or crater or any number of other possibilities.
or that everything we see is a halucination and our bodies can if they achieve a high enough vibrational state disintegrate and become one with the universe

go to the northern hemisphere and watch the stars for a while. They all rotate counterclockwise around the north star. Go to the southern hemisphere and you'll see that the stars now rotate to opposite direction and a new set of stars are visible. Humans realised this a long ass time ago without knowing literally anything else about space