I'm 21 but only listen to 60s-early 00s rock...

I'm 21 but only listen to 60s-early 00s rock, how am I supposed to possibly relate to my generation music when it's all so cringe? Do women my age really only listen to crappy pop/trap shit?

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>Do women my age really only listen to crappy pop/trap shit?
They do, all the way to their 30's. Women are impressionable creatures and kikes imprinted nigger music onto them.

No you fucking idiot. Men and women alike with your tastes are out there, more than you'd think honestly. Don't sell yourself short and conform to what other people like if you can't get into it, hold out for who and what you want

No, in the modern streaming music environment random Beatles songs are just as likely to be on a teenager's playlist as current pop hits.

Well yea sure the fucking Beatles are the most mainstream band of all time and they also appeal to PC culture so that makes sense

How about you stop being retarded and ignore the top100 cash grab titles. It's almost like there are several million music makers living on the planet at any given time and you telling me you only listen to old (popular) shit because you can't be arsed to find current music makers from newer timelines. Lazy faggot.

Fact is modern styles of music are just not good

Why is it that good music now days needs to be searched for like a safari

You have a refined and discerning palate for good music, my good man.

"Fact" is you can't possible know all the styles of all current music artists. Are you dumb or something?



I'm talking about particular rock which is what I like, any type of rock now days just sounds like hipster music

imagine still being this young and thinking music tastes matter

enjoy it while it lasts

>how am I supposed to possibly relate to my generation music when it's all so cringe?

You don't, I don't recognise the names of most popular artists and it doesn't affect my life in any way. Just listen to what you want to

You need to search harder for music than just the radio and TV

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But seriously. Patsy Cline, Jimmy Dean, Johnny Horton, Zager & Evans. I'm 35 and I'm representing the music my mother listened too.

You didn't back in the 00s...I remember plenty of music on the radio being good throughout my childhood. It's only now days it's such a problem all of the sudden, even in like 2013-2014 shit was still OK

When does it end

as soon as she rides you to one of those trap songs ya hate so much

There's some trap songs I like but the vast majority of it just seems like obvious cash grab that even the artist himself isn't taking seriously so I doubt that