How smart is Any Forums?

How smart is Any Forums?

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three fiddy.

sadly it's still 50/50

The quantum coin toss


i',m guessing the answer is biolabs

care to explain ?
because the one coin has nothing to do with the other one so the result of the first coin flip doesn't affect the result of the second one

How’s that wrong lol it’s still a 50/50

it's twice as likely that only one coin lands on heads

the other coin went up OP's ass

4 possibilites means 25%
bigmac american niggers of pol btfo yet again

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None, for karmas balance, if one is heads, the other is not.


This is a troll. The answer depends on how you make sure that at least one was heads.

If you flip both coins at the same time and just do it over if they're both tails, then its 1 out of 3.

If you slap one down heads up and flip the other one, it's 1 out of 2.

no it is not because the result of the first coin flip doesn't affect the result of the second one

There are several possible scenarios. We'll call the two coins A and B.

A heads
B heads

A tails
B tails

A heads
B tails

A tails
B heads

So before the coin toss, there is a 1/4 probability that when we flip the coins, they will both be heads.

But in this scenario, the coins have already been flipped, and we have been told that at least one of them landed on heads. So the scenario where both coins landed on tails is no longer in play. Of the three remaining scenarios, in only one are both coins heads.

Therefore, the probability is 1/3.

retard alert

Who said the first coin is heads? Try again, slowpoke.

there is no "first coin flip". two coins were flipped. we're told atleast one landed heads. theres one way for both to be heads. there's two ways for only one to be heads

I hope you're trolling.
Both coins to land heads.
One coin (hurr durr at LEAST ONE)
ONE coin landed heads.
the remaining coin has a 1/2 chance.

so it's 1/2.
You're american aren't you?

Binomial trial. Prob (h) = .5 × .5 = .25. The first part of the question is a red herring.

Just multiply probability of each event together since they're independent

p = (1/2)*(1/2) = 1/4

retard alert
you must be mexican then

It's not a red herring because one coin is guaranteed to land heads.
''its not my truth so i disbelieve''
you're american aren't you?

The solution is 42

>ONE coin landed heads.
you don't know which coin has landed heads

Retards, at least one coin landed heads. Conditional probability. It cannot be 1/4 given the condition that at least 1 coin landed heads. Tails-Tails is no longer possible.

It's 1/3

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''one of them landed heads''

therefore take out a coin. put one of them on heads. do not move it, spin it, or shove it up your ass.
now infinitely flip the other coin, 2 outcomes, equal chance.

it's 50/50.