Fit fags of Any Forums, what are some cheap and quick meals to get shredded?

Fit fags of Any Forums, what are some cheap and quick meals to get shredded?

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These things don't go together. Nothing about shredded is cheap and quick.

This should work pretty well

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Check your food labels. The food "shortage" on the shelves was an excuse to add soy to damn near everything. And I mean damn near everything. The exception seems to be kosher food, but for the life of me, I don't know why. HMMM....

Take DNP. I lost 20lbs in a few weeks just sitting in my bathtub and listening to audiobooks.

Chicken breast, rice, and a vegetable of your choosing. Buy the chicken in bulk and freeze it. Use whatever spices you want. Lost 60lbs down to 165 and can bench 225lbs from eating that and going to the gym 3-5 days a week.

Eggs and chicken. With the money you save you can buy steroids, supplements and a good gym membership

Nah, I can't eat rice every day.

nothing about a good body is easy, cheap or quick. there isn't some secret lifehack to getting jacked, even roidheads have to put in hard work.

it takes tremendous effort to acquire and maintain physique

Chicken, lots of chicken...
You'll get bored of that though, so you know what? Just eat whatever you want, and don't skip a single day of working out.

Workout soft, basically if it starts hurting you stop, why? Because you have to workout the day after that, and you probably gotta work or study or something, and feeling like shit is only gonna make you quit faster.

Eat whatever you want (very little sugar) and workout soft every single day of the week, 30min-1hr workout is fine, if you're a fat fuck or a skinny fuck don't listen to the "No pain no gain" dipshits, that only works when you're already in shape and you already got the energy and discipline to workout hard.

You start very soft, always.

I think most people in this thread are coping if I am being honest

Calorically dense, cheap, and often filled with protein. Here is my list.
>Dried dates. Can be subbed for another dried fruit, but date is a king
>Sunflower seeds. Cheap as hell, get light to no salt.
>Pumpkin seeds.
>Peanut butter. Look at the ingredients, the only real ingredient should be peanuts. Can sub for a different nut butter, which is actually probably a better idea if you can get it for cheap
>Honey. Obviously loads of sugar, but still
And then the ones everyone knows, chicken, eggs, rice, beans, lentils, oatmeal, etc.
You sub your diet with what I outlined, you can get loads of extra calories and protein for cheap. Just eat kinda normal yet still healthy, after these additions.
TLDR: Sub your diet with cheap dried fruit(dates are king), cheap healthy nuts.

Shredding is cutting, dumbfuck.

you sound fat, and like you dont know how muscle is built

>Shredding is cutting
no, shredding is building muscle. Cutting is cutting out fat.

It depends mostly on what you mean with shredded.

We must underline that muscle definition is a myth and it's actually bad for you, because you are basically starving your muscles.

Fats in your body are healthy and you should have some, too few is bad for you.

That said, you can eat chicken and eggs which are really cheap and contains very low levels of fats.

You also can opt for every kind of fish you can think of (not every kind is cheap, tho).
On avg, the most fat fish is less fat than the least fat kind of meat.

And of course you have meat.
We already said chicken, but also other animals can be cheap if you take different body parts.
Like pig's shoulders are cheap and basically contain the same ratio of carbs, fat and proteins.

I want to have this body. Do I need steroids?

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But it is much easier to maintain once you have a physique. Takes hard work and dedication to get there, but there is a huge dropoff in effort once you're there. As long as you don't go full neck beard again.

Buy whole chicken. Make soup. Drink bone broth as snack. Sweet potatoes for carbs. Quality protein powder

No, but you'll have to eat a lot to mantain it.


Also, it's not as important as they say if you skip a day sometimes, the real important thing is you being motivated.

A day off is not and shouldn't be an excuse to start eating bad or skipping workouts.

How's your new tinfoil hat? Is it a little bit too tight right now?
It appears to be cutting off circulation to that 1 brain cell you have.

Let's spend a word or two about this photo and in general body builders.

What you usually see is an hybrid between pose, oil and lights in the best cases and photoshop in worst cases.

In this picture is both.

I want you to unironically think about some porn actress or instagram models or whatever.

They created a standard that is not real and they basically are the result of surgeries, make up, lights, oils, photoshop and so on.

Just think about the average body builder.
They use skin paint (that's why they are always dark-skinned) an oils and do a lot of workouts only to be that good looking.
Most of them lack of actual muscle power.

Don't worry op, if you really are the guy in the picture, eat healthy and hit the gym and you are done

It’s gonna take a while to get shredded (6 pack and muscles) without PEDs. But here’s a recipe i’ve been loving lately. It’s like cheese bread. High protein, low carb.

70 grams egg whites
75 grams FAT FREE cheddar cheese
56 grams 1/3 fat cream cheese
.15 cups of self rising flour
Bake at 350 for 20 mins
now add topping
30 grams FAT FREE mozzarella
30 grams turkey pepperoni.

Here’s the key to shredding fat in a diet.
30% fat
40% protein
30% carbs

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add different spices to the chicken, that'll stop you getting bored
there's lots of ways you can flavour things, just as long as you don't add sugar/salt/sat fat

What are you, a moron?

"70 grams of something" for you doesn't mean anything if you don't provide your weight, your workouts and other info...

Stop eating. Whatever you're eating daily, eat less of it. Simple as that.

then substitute it. Quinoa is good as fuck too

lying in bed with rona read your post keking hard
thanks user
im fat and i hate it, hate to see myself in the mirror but i swear to god my problems are NOTHING compared to the emotional balast a average fit guy is carrying around.