Kratom thread

Kratom thread

Anyone here enjoying some nice kratom on this cold winter day? Took mine around 7am and shoveled out my car and sidewalk. I've got an incredible Green I've been eating lately that gives great euphoria, energy and general happiness. This plant has taken me from being an alcoholic bouncing from job to job living on a couch to a productive member of society. I don't even have the urge to drink anymore thanks to Kratom.

Never heard of or tried Kratom? Ask me about it.

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Favorite strains right now

Mitraman Green Jong Kong
YLYL Philly Super Green
Gulf Coast Green Malay
YLYL Beckeys Blend
Okies Red Maeng Da

Quit while you still can. It's not as bad as heroin but if you take it too long, it's not easy to quit. Any opiate based thing is not a good idea to take for the long term.

I take only once a week. Then I sit down with a big coffee and play video games all day. I don't eat all day until nightime it hits extra hard after I eat. (I'm not OP)

It's an "opiate" because it plays on your opioid receptor in your brain. It's not a derivative of poppy though. I take tolerance breaks once a month and don't have any withdrawals. I'm sure the morons who are eating ounces of it all day long probably get withdrawals but used correctly the withdrawals are about the same feeling as if you drank coffee everyday then stopped. It is good to be careful with any drug, though. But this is an all natural one that's about as safe of a drug as you could take.

If you need drugs to act normal you need to die

Hey man just giving friendly advice. I never did kratom but I used to do heroin so I know opiate based anything sucks to quit. Currently on Suboxone. Started at 3 strips a day. The 8mg/2mg strips. Now I'm down to half of a strip a day. The withdrawls are a lot easier to deal with so I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Opiates are no joke.

then come and do it yourself, pussy

Comparing Kratom to Heroin is like comparing Weed to Xanax. Kratom is a harm reduction tool that helps keep people from ending up in your position.

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It's odd. I am an old guy. I am worried about my health, kidneys, liver etc. Blood tests are always good. I purposely take kratom the night before I get my blood checked and everything is fine. Anyone here have bad health effects from kratom?

I didn't start with heroin. Most people that wind up doing heroin don't start/intend to do heroin. It creeps up on you. I started with weak painkillers... the vik/perc 5s.

Go ahead play with it. Don't say I didn't warn you.

The negative side effects all stem from either over use/abuse or not drinking enough water. You can take up to 10 grams per day with no side effects. Anything over that and you need to increase your water consumption. Kratom has no known long term health problems. If misused you can have short term withdrawals, feeling sick, etc. But that's taking like an ounce a day. If you're just taking a spoonful or two a day you're fine.

junkie loser thinks everyone else will be a junkie loser. take your government dope to avoid a couple days of discomfort, loser

My sister had a bad cheerleading accident and had to have 2 spinal fusions. She has a lot of pain and used to take oxy but doctors don't want to prescribe it anymore. She doesn't want to do drugs she doesn't even like weed but it's scary how the spiral can start.

Whatever helps you sleep user.

You have zero idea what kratom. A 5mg perc is 100x more addictive than kratom. Do some research before you spread misinformation. You were taking illegal narcotics. We're talking about a plant that's sold in health food stores.

i've got some white borneo very recently (in capsules)

Had a pretty bad time taking tramadol and wanted something else to lean on for when i stop, and honestly it does nothing for me.

I take about 6 capsules, should I be taking more?

Yup my point exactly. Good for her. I don't wish opiate addiction on anyone. It's horrible.

What y'all think of herbalrva? I have been scoring from them for years and haven't really tried anywhere else... Am I missing out?

Do you expect someone dumb enough to stick a needle in their arm to be able to use google? Guy is on Suboxone warning people about a plant that's been used for a thousand years. The funny part is kratom would actually help him wean off the subs safely. He'll just end up selling his subs one day for a bag of dope.

I used to take 20 capsules throughout the day

I'm out. Good luck you need it.

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> whatever helps you sleep
i dont need anything to help me sleep, especially not government handout pills. enjoy wallowing in your victim complex for life, loser

She should

1. See another doctor. There are plenty of doctors out there who won't let their patients be miserably in pain.
2. Rotate anti inflammatory meds and Tylenol. Be especially careful with the Tylenol.
3. Try kratom. It works very well for pain.
4. A full spectrum CBD will also help with pain at night. CBD ointments work well too

I'm not. Warning others of the dangers of opiates. Nice insight of how you feel though.

Finally an interesting thread on this horrible site

Honestly dont see the need to take more if taking 6 in one dose does nothing for me.

I tell everyone to drop the pills and take powder. Pills can be in your digestive tract by the time they dissolve and that area won't break down the alkaloids correctly. I would take 8 of the capsules and open them and dump the powder into a water bottle. Shake vigorously then drink and see if it helps. White's are the most energizing and help the least with pain/anxiety. I promise taking it in powder form is much easier and more effective. If you don't like the taste of powder or something called "blate papers" little pouches you fill and use to parachute your doses.

ya hes obviously a retard, but i also hate the loser narrative that 'hurrrr if you take percocet once youll be le hooked for life!!'. millions of people have taken opiates and not become junkie trash because theyre adults and are capable of practicing self control

then this loser does smack for years and, when he wants to quit instead of being uncomfortable for a couple days due to his own indulgent retard actions he goes to the government for the same drugs that are paid for by the taxpayer

hell spend the next few years mooching his government meds while telling everyone how hard it is to quit. his speech will be littered with faggy, victim culture cliches like when he tells everyone he 'le relapsed' again. a total loser parasite....shame the fentanyl hasnt got him yet

Also, the kratom you have is probably crap if you bought it in a physical store. You need to buy small batch kratom for good organic clean fresh leaf.

good vendors online

Philly Kratom
Smiley Time Herbal
Gulf Coast Kratom

I have tried Kratom 20 or so times and it has never done anything for me. I took a shit load to see if anything would happen.. nothing. It was in between stints on heroin (nasal only.). I haven’t used H in 3 years now. Think it would work?

throw the pills out. suffer the consequences of your actions. you do know withdrawal only lasts like 2 days right?

youll take government welfare pills for the rest of life rather than being uncomfortablw for two fucking days? loser junkie child, good luck with your 800000 'relapses'. everyone you know has no respect for you, and many secretly wish you were dead

Yeah I have been prescribed pain meds for broken bones and tooth stuff multiple times and never got addicted. But I'm an alcoholic so that's my drug of choice. The narrative that doing a 5mg Vicodin will make you wind up on heroin is so gross because it harms so many patients in pain who actually need oxycodone or whatever. These junkies have no one to blame but themselves. Then they turn around and drag actual pain patients down with them. Losers. And then he comes in here warning people about taking fucking kratom you buy in the gas station. Like dude you're a junkie we don't need your advice.

If you took it while you were doing heroin Kratom will do nothing for you. Yes, if you order some good quality kratom it will work. I'd suggest a red vein strain if the relaxed/calming effect is what you want. Green in the morning for energy.

Vendor List to order from