Women getting beat thread go!

women getting beat thread go!

Attached: CHjrqWv.gif (324x244, 498.1K)

He hits her flush and she remains standing. He must be a Any Forumsro.

They're both males so

now you're speaking my language.

Attached: womanbeatenthefuckup.gif (241x252, 2M)

Attached: womanbeatenuplookslikemuppetlol.gif (250x188, 1.95M)

Attached: wedontcarethatyouhaveavagina.webm (406x720, 1.29M)

if i'm the only nigger posting in this thread i'll stop

so post them if you got them

Attached: dontbothermewhileimbehindmycomputer.webm (720x404, 1.27M)

Attached: womanthisissparta.webm (1280x720, 1.09M)

I don't have any but I'm looking at your posts

well start saving and collecting for next time, faggot!

Attached: linglingdidchinesebubbleswrong.webm (960x640, 1.19M)

here you go fag Ill drop my collection

Attached: stopping dehydration.webm (720x544, 1.9M)

Attached: what could it be.jpg (800x764, 16.64K)

lel nice i love to see women suffer

eat shit you cancerous faggot

Attached: smackmybitchup.webm (640x480, 751.43K)


Consensual or fair fight, please.

Did you just assume both of their genders?!

What did this cunt say to him?

My favourite, would love to find more of her tho

Attached: 1646038085067.webm (480x480, 1.33M)


Attached: chinese_gentleman(1).webm (640x368, 1.66M)

Why do you hate women?

Because they deserve it

Do you hate American women or all women?

Pore Boy got rejected...I did too sometimes get over it ffs!

I don't. It's also cool to watch videos of deer getting hunted and such that doesn't mean I hate deer. It's just sport

woman gets wrecked by a guy because she deserved it. no one freaks out. this is the kind of society i want.

>i want a society where a gorilla can assault me cause i offended their feefees with words

Okay, champ.